On 10/19/2011 12:22 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> As my buddy on my TM Sidhis course said, "these people have
>> overstimulated intellects."  Years later I found out why and that is
>> because agni mantras like Saraswati mantras will over stimulate the
>> intellect unless balancing measures are taken.  People also become more
>> vata practicing them and will tend to ramble when they write.
> Isn't it good enough that you just don't dig what we are serving up?   Not 
> your cup of tea.  This attempt to make it into a pathology just makes you 
> look like you can't get beyond your own personal preferences and understand 
> that other people are interested in different things.
> And the ancient texts that invented the thoery you are proposing here are 
> very long, I've read both the Charaka and Shushruta Samhitas. Lots of words, 
> pages of them. Did Charak suffer from this malady you describe?  And don't 
> even try the angle that he was not wordy, the dude extolled the benefits of 
> his quackery in glowing flowery terms like adjectives on parade.
> Did you know that mentally ill people might be possessed not only by a demon, 
> but by a god?  In this case you need to do a puja to the god rather than an 
> exorcism.  My only problem is that they recommend crocodile semen as medicine 
> but fail to describe the process for how to collect it?  I'm thinking you 
> need to dress up as on of those sexy crocs you see in Disney movies with the 
> tutu and the long eyelashes.
>> I also detect that anyone that writes pages of text here is vata
>> imbalanced.  That is a typical trait and results in someone living in
>> their own cerebral world.  This is something I took from MMY's
>> discussion on the intellect and observed with intellectuals I met since.
> You sure got a fancy name for being judgmental son.  Robin and I are writing 
> about what interests us using as many words as it takes.  I don't have to 
> read into your preference to hit delete to mean that there is something wrong 
> with you.
> You are trying to sell your preference as if we have a problem.  I wonder 
> what mantra causes that?

I was responding to Sal and Turq's comments on the "drama fests" so I 
guess you have to include them too.   A more western term for "vata 
imbalance" would be neurosis.  You tend to be more readable that Robin 
though.  In the non-meditator world long winded posts are regarded as 
written by "crazy people" unless you are reading articles by 
professional writers who are so good that before you know it you've read 
several pages.  That's kind of like not noticing a 2 hour movies took 
that long.  Some film makers are good at doing that.

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