I've also studied with Dr. Lad.  You just don't understand what I'm saying.

On 10/20/2011 05:05 AM, shukra69 wrote:
> debate his teacher as you have it all backwards
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/292713
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> No, because agni will dry you out and give rise to vata.  That is why
>> the hot summer weather can make people more vata once fall rolls
>> around.  My source on this was from a course I took by Dr. Robert
>> Svoboda.  Would you like to debate him on it?
>> On 10/19/2011 07:37 PM, shukra69 wrote:
>>> Vata is entirely COLD crackpot, Agni is not going to increase it. Not to 
>>> imply that anything you are saying has any validity anyways.
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@>   wrote:
>>>> On 10/19/2011 10:00 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine<salsunshine@>    wrote:
>>>>>> On Oct 19, 2011, at 3:06 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>>>>>> I, too, thank Curtis for his explanation. I do not
>>>>>>> share his fascination with either the people he gets
>>>>>>> into long-winded discussions with, or with any of
>>>>>>> their ideas, but it's probably good that someone does.
>>>>>>> As much as I love Curtis, sometimes I see him as the
>>>>>>> Patron Saint Of The Terminally Self Important.
>>>>>> I've never understood why Curtis gets into these
>>>>>> insane drama-fests either. But I suppose it fulfills
>>>>>> some need.
>>>>> I'm going to reply to this a second time, less
>>>>> flippantly this time, because I think your ques-
>>>>> tion is a good one, and I might have some insight
>>>>> into it.
>>>>> In my first forays onto TM-related spiritual chat
>>>>> groups, I entered into many, many, far too many
>>>>> long, insane drama-fests myself. *At the time*,
>>>>> it seemed like fun to me, a kind of intellectual
>>>>> sparring, a way to test one's ever-changing
>>>>> theories of How It All Works against other
>>>>> people. I used to get into equally-long and
>>>>> equally-tedious discussions with Judy, and with
>>>>> Lawson, and with others back on a.m.t. And, at
>>>>> the time, it was FUN.
>>>> As my buddy on my TM Sidhis course said, "these people have
>>>> overstimulated intellects."  Years later I found out why and that is
>>>> because agni mantras like Saraswati mantras will over stimulate the
>>>> intellect unless balancing measures are taken.  People also become more
>>>> vata practicing them and will tend to ramble when they write.
>>>> I also detect that anyone that writes pages of text here is vata
>>>> imbalanced.  That is a typical trait and results in someone living in
>>>> their own cerebral world.  This is something I took from MMY's
>>>> discussion on the intellect and observed with intellectuals I met since.
>>>> FYI, just to remind you that hard coded line returns went out of style
>>>> in the 1980s.  Today's email clients word wrap fine.  Your posts when
>>>> viewed on a mobile email client don't wrap well not to mention how the
>>>> FFL web interface may look on phones and tablets.  Leave it up to the
>>>> software.

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