Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did or are you two 
 It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
 Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most likely 
sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all this. Barry, 
puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey hair fluffing out as 
Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, stroking the ever graceful polite 
compliments he suggests.....

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> azyCat_wh.jpg]
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > > > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > > > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > > > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > > > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > > >
> > > > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > > > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were
> > > > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > >
> > > I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> > > theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> > > why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> > > the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> > >
> > > Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old
> > > woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> > > and what happens? The authorities come and take away
> > > her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But
> > > they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires
> > > one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her
> > > already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL,
> > > thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> > >
> > > So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> > > into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> > > argue with her. Then she starts another argument
> > > with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> > > to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> > > either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> > > opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> > > is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> > > I have already prepared."  :-)
> > >
> > > Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much
> > > everything.
> >
> > BREAKING NEWS! Barry is beginning to realize his
> > notions about me are fantasies! This is hopeful,
> > folks. Maybe he's making some progress at emerging
> > from his solipsistic Barryworld. Could be
> > overwhelming, though, for him to start confronting
> > reality after all these years; we need to be gentle
> > with him as he does so, or he may find it all too
> > much and retreat again.
> >
> > Can we dare to expect he'll bring az with him out
> > of the fog? Stay tuned...
> >

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