--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> NOT wishing to suck Curtis into this, merely in 
> appreciation of him having said it perfectly, I
> repost his comment below, changing nothing except 
> to highlight the words "mindnumbingly high."
> I mean, that's really the issue, isn't it?
> 16+ years. Up to 50% percent of her posts in any
> given week, for all that time.

What a weasel statement. Once in a long while 50
percent of my posts in a week have dealt with Barry,
and that's typically been when there were
conversations going on among several people involving
him, like this week.

He gets his "50 percent" figure by doing a search
of my posts for "Barry" or "turquoiseb." Of course,
such a search will produce quite a few posts in
which I haven't said a word about him. And the
flip side of that little deception is that if you
search his posts for "Judy" or "authfriend," you
won't turn up most of the posts in which he
attacks me, because he's careful not to use my
name or respond directly to my posts.

> Who on this forum really gives a shit about the
> purported "Barry-Judy Feud" except Judy and her
> Pips?

Translation: Who on this forum has the guts to
speak up against Barry's vicious attacks except
those he routinely targets?

> The rest -- wisely -- had their minds numbed
> by the whole thing years ago and tuned it all out.

The rest don't want to make themselves Barry's
targets by crossing him.

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