On Nov 7, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Shring very definitely is a beej mantra. Different traditions insist on
one ending at the exclusion of the other.  Some use both. If the
Swarupananda is insisting that the 'm' ending is the only valid one then that might be the doctrine of the Shankaracharya tradition. Which would
mean that MMY wasn't teaching that tradition.  You can visit Indian
forums where yogis will debate the 'm' and 'ng' endings endlessly and
viciously. ;-)

Also a number of meditators who may have been reading books on mantras
and traditions sometimes thought the initiator gave them 'shri' as the

MMY never emphasized exact pronunciation nor meaning but it is very
important in other traditions.

One can only guess, but I have to assume (given the line of questioning) is that he is siding with the way Swami Brahmananda taught.

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