> > On Nov 7, 2011, at 10:17 AM, jpgillam wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been getting
> > > results from the TM puja for 34 years. It
> > > stills my mind. I recite it often, for
> > > that purpose.
> > 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj wrote:
> >
> > The way we know the TM puja and initiation process acts like a  
> > placebo is because independent researchers fabricated a faux-TM  
> > instruction and were able to get the exact same results as TM - 
> > the same EEG profile and relaxation response, everything.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> [snip]it's not responsive to Patrick's
> experience of getting the same results for 34 years
> from *performing* the puja.

I should clarify that I don't have to 
perform the puja to get results. I sing 
it aloud or recite it mentally.

My most profound experience of the stilling 
power of the puja occurred when I was learning 
it on my TM teacher training course. One 
afternoon upon finishing my rounds I sang 
the puja as I sat on my bed. Afterward, I 
had intended to mentally review some other 
material I was memorizing, but I could not 
summon a thought. I was awake and alert, but 
I was mentally constipated. I just stared at 
the wall for a few minutes before I could get 
a thought to bubble up. That's when I realized 
that the purpose of the puja was to shift my 
center from my thoughts and feelings to the 
stillness of consciousness itself, which, by 
the way, is a good definition of a first stage 
of enlightenment.

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