> You have to read in between the lines in what 
> he's saying.  Specifically, Osho discouraged 
> his followers to marry.  In doing so, many of 
> his followers had multiple partners.  As such, 
> it would be likely that Osho participated in 
> this practice as well.
Yes, one would think so, but according to Hugh 
Milne, Osho's bodyguard for ten years, Rajneesh
was pretty much with a single woman for over 
over ten years. Go figure.

> > John <jr_esq:
> > > Osho was into tantra to get enlightened.  As such, he 
> > > enjoyed having sex with women in his ashram without 
> > > getting married to them.
> > >
> > From what I've read, Osho had sex with a single
> > woman, Vivek, for over ten years. Apparently
> > he was NOT into having sex with multiple partners.
> > 
> > 'Bhagwan: The God That Failed' 
> > By Hugh Milne
> > St Martin's Press, 1987
> > 
> > > He said that his parents did not approve of his 
> > > chosen path.
> > > 
> > > Osho's parents preferred that he had chosen the 
> > > traditional life paths available in India.  That 
> > > is, you either get married or become a celebate 
> > > monk in the Himalayas or an ashram.
> >

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