> Thanks for mentioning this. I will check it out,
> possibly even later tonight, since it turned out
> to be a 20-minute download. Pirate. :-) 
You turned out to be quite the software pirate!

Do you ever pay for anything, or are you just poor? 

You probably even stole Bruse Cockburn albums! Maybe 
your next move should be to China - you'd fit right 
in! Go figure.

"The latest offensive in the content industry's 
never-ending war on copyright infringement is the 
Stop Online Piracy Act, which was introduced in the 
House two weeks ago. It incorporates key provisions 
of the Senate's Protect IP Act as well as another 
Senate bill that makes unauthorized streaming a 

'The Stop Online Piracy Act: Big Content's full-on 
assault against the Safe Harbor'
Ars Technica:

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