--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > Look, I'm rushing here, but a couple things.
> > IIRC,  Ravi at one point, once he realized Sal was a "she", and not a
> > "he", said he felt he should show a little more decorum.  I realize I
> > may get pegged as a sexist, but I'm just telling you what he said.
> > So,  if someone is on record with saying something like that, and then
> > goes into a profane tirade, against a female he feels insulted him, or
> > his beloved,  then I call that being a hypocrite.  Of course Ravi has a
> > long history of abiding by rules he holds as sacred one day, and then
> > breaking them the next.  That's part of being enlightened, of course.
> > Second, we are a public forum.  Even though in the past, I've said I'm
> > not a prude, I guess I am a little.  And, blast me if you will Bob, but
> > I'm thinking of some of the casual readers to FFL,  and I include my
> > wife in this, (although I think it is rare that she might read it). 
> > Yea, I might have felt a little embarrassed by Ravi's BJ tirade.
> > But since I had voiced an objection earlier, and no one else chimed in,
> > I assumed no one else had a problem with it.  And that was okay with me.
> In light of what you've written now, how do you explain what you wrote back 
> in Oct 2008?
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/193702
> http://www.mail-archive.com/fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com/msg140748.html
> "Let's have a party in your mouth. Everybody can come." That's obviously a 
> not so subtle reference to oral sex, and you directed it and the rest of your 
> cruel invective at a woman whose only crime was making a friendly chatty post 
> about coffee. How can you write a post like that but object to Ravi's BJ 
> tirade?

ROTFLMAO!   This forum is better than watching love bugs and their ariel orgies 
ending by splatting on the car windshield at 15 MPH! 

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