Thanks for the reply Vaj, has you have always replied when I have
brought up a question in a sincere fashion.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2011, at 10:24 AM, seventhray1 wrote:
> > If I were on a jury, and had to make a determination based on the
evidence I have heard over my time on FFL, I would say that IMO the
evidence is irrefutable (or at least beyond a reasonable doubt) that Vaj
was a very active participant in the TMO.
> Ray:
> While I was at one time active in the TMO, that time has long passed.
Since I was very young when I started TM (my parents had to drive me to
"advanced" lectures) I was made to feel "special" and blessed and so was
subject to constant offers of promotion should I want it: center SIMS
president, checker, MIU visits, etc. I preferred however to stay on the
sidelines, as I never trusted MMY, although was intrigued by certain
aspects of his "knowledge". By the time I was in my early 20's, TM and
the TMSP had already unravelled due to exposure to the Holy
Shankaracharya Order and numerous pundit-yogis of the Rig Veda and
Patanjali tradition. My family has a long history in India and Tibet
since the turn of the previous century, and were keen to relay their
opinions when asked.
> > The most egregious behavior of Vaj's I have found so far was when he
intentially over posted some time back to foul up the system, just to
try to test the moderators post counting, (or something along these
lines). I think Alex got pretty pissed off, and I didn't blame him.
> >
> > And quite honestly, I thought that indicated a real lack of
integrity on Vaj's part.
> >
> Actually Ray other posters had been deleting their posts for many
months in order to avoid overposting, and got away with it (or so it
appeared to me; I'm not really sure), so I thought I'd try it. Needless
to say, I didn't receive the special care the others did. I did do some
ribbing at Alex, and if I offended him, he certainly has my sincere

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