--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> >
> > This is along the lines of something I was thinking about as
> > I was driving home from more errands. For the most part, I
> > think Vaj does reply to his critics.
> And why should he? I'll wait.
I don't care if he does or not.  But if you are participating in a forum
like this, (or especially this forum), then you are going to be
challenged.  And if you feel that the person or persons making the
challenge are sincere, even if they may be harsh, then I would think you
would want to respond.  Otherwise you may appear as though you don't 
have the wherewithal to back up your claims or opinions.  But as far as
I'm concerned he has no obligation to respond to any challenge.  People
will draw their own conclusion about what motivates people here. I will
have to read the rest of this post later.   Thanks.

I think it says something about someone if they are willing to face
others who may want to question them about
> > Exceptions would be you and Jim. And because he does respond
> > (exceptions noted), I think those relationships have an
> > opportunity to change, to "evolve" even to a more friendly
> > ground on ocassion.
> I have seen little evidence of this. What seems to happen
> from my POV is that Vaj occasionally responds to the
> same old same old attacks on him, it goes back and
> forth a few times, the attackers believing that they've
> "won" something because they got him to respond, and
> then it starts all over again. If this is what you mean
> by "evolving," I leave that definition of "evolution" to
> you; it strikes me as being as boring and non-productive
> as the TM version of the word. :-)
> > Barry, on the other hand has chosen not to respond to anyone
> > he finds unacceptable.
> Not true. I have been very clear about who I no longer
> interact with, and why. I don't bother with people I
> no longer find interesting in any way.
> I have my own reasons for this, most of which I have
> patiently explained. None of the six people on my
> personal "No Fly" list can write worth a damn, none
> of them *ever* seem to have anything new to say,
> and all of them are to some extent obsessives. That
> is, their onscreen life here seems to revolve around
> "getting" one or more of the people they have developed
> grudges against.
> BORING. If you wish to waste your time on the hundreth
> or thousandth iteration of "Vaj is a liar," that's your
> business. I prefer to leave the attackers to their (IMO)
> petty and demeaning (to themselves), somewhat mentally
> ill games.
> > And because of that most (or at least many) of his
> > relationshiops here are frozen. No chance of change.
> With those six? Absolutely. Not one of their "one year
> countdown clocks" have started ticking yet. They need
> to demonstrate a full year of non-obsession and actually
> saying something new before I bother interacting with
> them again. (See previously-reported conversation with
> the psychiatrist head of a mental hospital for my
> reliance on this rule of thumb.)
> With others, I am open to being surprised, and equally
> open to interesting discussions, should they come up.
> The thing is, most of the time they don't, because (IMO)
> most people here are hooked on the ongoing soap opera,
> and don't actually have that much new or interesting
> to say themselves. They rather -- ahem, like you --
> provoke the same old tired-to-death egobattles again
> and again, so that they can log in and put their two
> cents in, as if *they* were saying something new or
> interesting. From my POV, I reward only things I
> consider to be *actually* new and interesting.
> Your life, and how you choose to spend the rest of it,
> are up to you. Talk with whomever you want, and say
> whatever you want. But don't expect me to chime in
> as if it were interesting if I don't find it to be.
> The non-issue of whether Vaj was a TM teacher is as
> uninteresting as a subject can possibly be.
> How many times do you have to either hear "<insert
> name of today's victim> is a liar and SO much less
> moral than I am" before you find it boring and stop
> encouraging it by piling on? Wasn't it OLD for you
> after the hundreth iteration? After the thousandth?
> If not, I leave you to what fascinates you in life.
> I have other fascinations.

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