On 12/20/2011 01:03 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"<steve.sundur@...>  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb<no_reply@>  wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
>> wrote:
>>>> People will draw their own conclusion about what motivates
>>>> people here.
>>> If their lives are so empty that that's what gets them
>>> off, so be it. :-)
>> This is where I think yourself open to some criticism.
>> I guess you could say that someone who seems to watch
>> a tremendous amount of television and movies might have
>> a pretty empty life. Just sayin.
> Ah, the "putdown at the end of the post" you rail against
> so often. Good to see that you walk your talk. :-)
> I confess to watching a lot of movies and TV. Mea culpa.
> But I don't feel particularly bad about it because, like
> FFL, they are free (for me, anyway), and even the worst
> TV show or movie on my watch list is more interesting
> (and far more entertaining) than listening to people
> talk endlessly about 1) theoretical spiritual BS they've
> already debated dozens of times before, 2) some supposedly
> enlightened guy they never met but are convinced was not
> only enlightened but more enlightened than any guy you
> ever met, 3) their own supposed enlightenment, or 4) why
> other people should dislike the people they don't like.
> If those things appeal to you, and you find them more
> interesting than TV or movies, I say go for it. You've
> found an endless supply of them on FFL. I'll stick to
> the media, thanks. Less ego, and to tell the truth,
> fewer commercials.  :-)
> Are you sure you're just not a little ticked off because
> I find a TV series about a serial killer more evolved
> than anything I've read on Fairfield Life in years?
> Same with "Homeland." There are more teachings about
> compassion in one episode of either series than MMY
> ever taught about the subject in his entire life.

I was hoping that "Enlightened" might be FFL on TV which would make for 
either a great comedy or an insane thriller.  But that didn't happen.  I 
watch stuff on a TV as a "wind down" at the end of the day.  I've spent 
my day reading things on close computer monitors and to look at a screen 
8' away is relaxing on my eyes.  A friend who is an optometrist agrees 
with that. So if I'm going to spend a couple hours watching something I 
prefer something worth watching.  Broadcast TV isn't that and I think 
that is what some of the folks here think we're watching.  Why watch a 
contrived series tamed down because Hollywood is afraid of offending 
mid-westerners and thus losing advertisers.  I stick to the cable and 
premium networks and more these days to movies on Netflix streaming.  
Those are worth watching.

That is a segue to mention that indeed Netflix sent out "Midnight in 
Paris" on Bluray to watch tonight.  They also offered a "bonus" disc for 
the holidays and are sending "Columbiana" which also released this week.

And I often take some of those YouTube videos I recommend such as the 
excellent BBC series "How the West Went Bust" and play them on my 53" 
screen.  That series really nails the problem.  Our "free market" 
Austrian arm chair economists on FFL won't like it though.

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