--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> >
> > Seems like you are bullying Robin because he has a more
> > public past than you do. What a coward. Shame on you.
> > You hide, and lob bags of poo at him. In full sight of
> > us all. That religion you are chained to must give you
> > much comfort - just don't rub your wrists so much - it
> > gives away your slavery.
> You know, it strikes me as so odd, because Robin's current
> animus toward TM and MMY is so similar in many respects to
> what Vaj has been preaching here for years, you'd think Vaj
> would be cheering Robin on, thrilled to have him as an ally.
> There has to be something else going on to explain this
> vendetta. It can't be just that Robin doesn't believe Vaj's
> claims to have been a TMer and TM teacher; Vaj has lobbed
> spitballs at worst toward the rest of us who doubt his TM
> status, whereas Robin gets nuclear missiles.
> I think there must be some acute thirst for vengeance at
> work, perhaps for a personal injury he feels Robin did him,
> or someone he's close to, in the past.
> That Robin has repudiated and essentially apologized for,
> regretted, and repented of the damage he did folks in what
> he considers his enlightened period isn't enough for Vaj.
> Vaj seems to feel he needs to not just bring Robin down
> but grind him into the dirt, destroy him as a human being.
What I honestly think?
1) It is a dodge for Vaj, getting all excited about MZ, so he doesn't have to 
deal with his own shit, whatever that may be.
2) There is something fundamentally truthful in what MZ says, such that it 
irritates the hell out of Vaj.
3) With MZ around, Vaj can't waltz in anymore, mystically spouting his 
spiritual-sounding nonsense and have anyone care. Same with Barry - notice how 
they both hate MZ? Its visceral. He took their stage away without trying, and 
now all they can do is snarl under it, one feigning spiritual authority, the 
other, indifference. 

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