Vajihad!! I wonder which is worse, being subjected to that, or being Barry'd 

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > 
> > What exactly is behind Vaj's sadistic anti-Robin campaign
> > that he feels the need to disguise with bullshit
> > rationalizations and "clarifications"? Inquiring minds
> > want to know. Robin has been very open about his agenda;
> > why can't Vaj be open about his? Why is he so intent on
> > destroying Robin's hard-won progress toward well-being?
> > 
> > RESPONSE: Rest assured, Judy, that Vaj cannot affect me in any way. I don't 
> > say this as some kind of defiant boast. I say this as a matter of empirical 
> > fact: Vaj could only touch me where I live were he willing to put his soul 
> > into his posts to me. As it is, I always feel how far off he is [both in 
> > terms of what he is aiming at in me, and in the sense that he is "far off" 
> > from even his own true self], even as I could write some devastating posts 
> > *to myself*. So, until or unless Vaj takes off his mask and becomes humanly 
> > accessible to me—as Curtis always was—I can't even benefit from his 
> > antipathy towards me. I don't believe Vaj can help himself; he is genuinely 
> > caught in a kind of self-made matrix; and there evidently is no way out. He 
> > seems in his last post to Steve to be willing to adhere to his stated 
> > intention: to deal with me within the present—for instance, I do not bring 
> > up his personal relationship to Pol Pot [although I have a video]. I 
> > appreciate that his attacks upon me and my reputation—and my mental 
> > health—have drawn out such a true and sincere concern in you; but I am more 
> > stable than this; else I would never had come onto FFL. Ten years ago, I 
> > would have been in no position to post at FFL. Now I am. I think I finally 
> > know what's driving Vaj, but even before this, I did not get alarmed by 
> > what he was doing. I believe the abuse from Vaj will attenuate into 
> > nothing—unless prompted by one of his cohorts—or his valiant defender, 
> > Steve. Thanks, Judy!
> To be honest, Robin, my post wasn't motivated by
> concern for you. I doubt there's much if anything
> Vaj could throw at you that you wouldn't be able to
> handle, no matter what tactics he was able to pick 
> up from Mr. Pot. <cough>
> I just think it's important to call attention to 
> what appears to be the personal nature of this
> particular vindictive Vajihad. His intent is
> obvious, but he has to hide his reasons, so he ends
> up floundering around like a loose cannon with a
> grudge so heavy it throws off his aim and he gets
> beaned with his own shrapnel.

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