--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> In any event - you have to realize, at one time, this list was
> told in no uncertain terms: the word from the TMO was clear,
> RWC had gone insane and then committed suicide.

In fact, this was never said on FFL to have anything
beyond the status of a rumor, and it was never clear
where the rumor originated.

Vaj is well aware of this, so it's yet another lie.
(Two, in fact.)

After being informed by an unnamed email correspondent
that Robin was still very much alive, Vaj *speculated*
that the rumor was "most likely being spread by TM
zealots hellbent on revenge." (Vaj has deleted this post,
but what I quoted has been preserved in a couple of
responses to it.)

Lawson said he'd never heard the rumor, and observed
quite sensibly of Vaj's speculation: "And why would TMers
be hell-bent on revenge? A dead saint is harder to
denounce than a live apostate."

Heh. One of Lawson's better gnomic ripostes.

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