There may be truth to your statement, Judy.
We only do what is, and how we perceive is what we see or think of something, 
so yes, you do write for me and I for you and Denise the same and all the 
others who are busy passed out in their chairs, but don't know it yet. : )

My chestnuts need to be checked. BRB...

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Judy, you are wisdom incarnate. I agree with Denise.
> > Merry Hanakristmasah!
> > 
> > My hands are still tied to my kitchen and I love reading what
> > you both  write. : )
> We write only for your personal enjoyment, dear obbajeeba.
> You *better* love it, or we'll never untie your hands. ;-)

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