> > Not Brahma Chaitanya, but Brahmi Chetana...
> >
Brahman Consciousness or brahmi chetana. All of the 
acharyas of Vedanta point to this state of being.

"O Svetaketu, do you understand what I am telling 
you? This great but most essence of all the worlds 
is the Truth, the Atman, the Supreme Reality within 
you, and you are THAT" - Uddalaka - Chhandogya U.

> But I agree with him that the categories of his 
> system and the definitions of MMY are different 
> from tradition...
Not so different, it seems to me. For example, in 
Brahmi Chetana you no longer are in a relationship 
to this creation because you are this creation, 
Brahman. In this state, according to MMY, there is 
no duality, there is no other, because when all 
thought drops off, you are left all by your Self. 
At other times you reflect duality, self and 

"When mental activity disappears, then knower, 
knowing and known become merged one into another, 
just like a transparent crystal which assumes the 
appearance of that upon which it rests."

Pantanjali - Yoga Sutras I.41. 

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