--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> What IS it about diehard TMers when their "fallback 
> position," when they have been unable to get someone
> to argue head-to-head with them so that they can "win"
> or at the very least claim to, becomes trying to go
> for the olde, tired ad hominem of "You can't trust
> anything he says, because he's a liar."
> They've run that on Vaj, on you, on me, and on any
> number of people who criticize TM, Maharishi, or the
> TMO on this forum.

No, only Barry and Vaj.

 They would have you believe that
> this is a coincidence, and that they work overtime
> trying to similarly demonize other liars who *don't*
> criticize TM, Maharishi, and the TMO, but I don't
> think anyone believes them about this any more.

and Barry knows it. In other words, he's lying.
He made it up out of whole cloth.

What we *do* say is that we *don't* call any and all
TM critics liars. Most of the critics here are *not*
liars. Vaj lies and Barry lies. Barry lies primarily
about TMers (especially the TMers on FFL, as he does
here); Vaj lies about TM, TMers, MMY, and the TMO,
as well as about his TM status. Barry also lies about
practically everything else when it serves his

> It's as if they still believe in the "Maharishi model"
> of how to deal with criticism: "Find ways to put down
> the critic and insinuate that he/she has evil motives 
> for saying what he does, or is lying, or is untrust-
> worthy, or whatever, and enough of the already-drank-
> the-Kool-Aid-brigade will believe it so that we can
> continue doing business."

There are any number of examples that rebut this
canard. The most recent and prominent is Robin, whose
outspoken criticism of MMY's teaching puts all the
other critics here in the shade. And yet--as Barry
himself, ironically, has made a big deal of in other
posts--we get along with Robin very well indeed.

It's the *other TM critics* who accuse Robin of being
untrustworthy, most notably Barry and Vaj.

> I kinda think it's lazy, and embarrassing. I'd like
> to see some of these "Shoot the messenger" types deal
> with the actual message. But that's not gonna happen.

Of course, we deal with "the actual message" *all the
time*. But there's a limit to what we can accomplish
along those lines when the "messengers" refuse to
engage in any discussion with us and resort instead
to the kind of crude demonization Barry spouts here.
It isn't the TMers who ostentatiously refrain from
reading the posts of those with whom they disagree.
We aren't afraid to even *look* at their message, the
way Barry and Vaj are afraid to look at ours. It isn't
the TMers who are afraid to discuss the issues, it's
Barry and Vaj.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy emanating from Barry and
Vaj are choking this forum to death.

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