--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL.  I get 
> > > that a few people are delighted to have an audience, anyone 
> > > who will engage. I avoid them entirely.  But for me the even 
> > > bigger question is: why does anyone want to be that audience? 
> > > Maybe I missed something along the way since I don't read 
> > > these attention-seekers at all - not since reading their first 
> > > few posts.   Don't they and all the people who keep replying 
> > > to them and stirring the pot have work to do, books to read, 
> > > walks to take, dogs to walk, movies to see, friends and/or 
> > > family to spend time with, dishes to wash, food to cook, meals 
> > > to eat, even meditation and yoga to practice?  You can analyze 
> > > it well, but I mean, seriously, who cares for these people, and 
> > > their audience?  Who does the daily living stuff for them?  How 
> > > do they earn a living, live and then spend all this time posting 
> > > about, about mind-jumbling uninteresting concepts.
> You mean "mind-jumbling and uninteresting *to me*,"
> right, Susan? I mean, in my observation, folks don't
> tend to post about concepts they themselves find
> uninteresting.
> On the other hand, having one's mind jumbled can
> itself be an interesting experience. And then in the
> process of getting one's mind unjumbled, one often
> finds that one's mental horizons have been enlarged.

Your point is heard.  I think the discussions of the past few weeks have not 
been of interest to me, I have not read most of the posts (and can't really 
keep up with the pace of the posting anyway), and so don't really get what is 
going on when I do tune in.   In particular I find  the writing and thinking 
style of some to be annoying at best.  Others might enjoy the banter, but I 
have found it irritating lately - as if people are egging on other people so as 
 to be entertained. I know you would not do that - so perhaps I am missing 
something here.   As you say, it can appeal to others and expand horizons, I 
guess.  Not for me at this time.
> Also, sometimes the personality dynamics among the
> people on a forum can be as interesting as, or even
> more interesting than, the topics themselves. If
> one finds *people* interesting, that is. I guess not
> everybody does.
> > > Just saying I 
> > > noticed the same things as you did here and it is interesting to 
> > > hear that FFL is not the only place seeing the same  Wonder what 
> > > the next stage will be........
> > 
> > It's definitely not just FFL. My little rant was occasioned
> > by an attention slut outbreak on two other forums,
> Hmmm, "so many forums I'm a part of" (see below) 
> would amount to two forums, then, right?
> Me, I learned years ago to stick to one forum at a
> time. Participation in multiple forums *does* tend
> to take time away from making a living and all the
> other activities Susan lists.
> For sure, if I were a part of multiple forums *and*
> also spent lots of time sitting watching movies and
> TV shows, it really *would* be hard to find time
> for everything else. ;-)
>  not by
> > anything in particular here, although we've certainly seen
> > the same trend here. On those other two forums for the last
> > week 80% of the posts have been made by 2 to 4 people, all 
> > of them fitting into the attention slut description I posted 
> > earlier. And to make things worse, there are no posting 
> > limits on these forums, so it's like FFL in the Bad Old Days 
> > before Rick wisely implemented the weekly limit of 50 posts. 
> > Try to imagine what FFL would be like if those who tend to 
> > make 20 to 30 posts in one day were able to continue doing 
> > so all week -- that's what these other forums have become. :-(
> > 
> > I completely agree with your approach, and tend to base mine
> > these days on time. It's the one thing I can't get back, and
> > I tend not to want to waste it on reading or participating
> > in conversations that in retrospect are going to turn out to
> > be a waste of time for all concerned. 
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
> > > > of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
> > > > proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
> > > > I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
> > > > in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
> > > > attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
> > > > automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
> > > > gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
> <snip>

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