You and Susan need to start at post #300408--read it all,
including the quotes from previous posts--and then read
forward. This all began with a gratuitous slam of Ravi
from Curtis in that post, and it escalated between them
from there.

Curtis is supposedly the reasonable one. He could have
stopped the escalation after Ravi made his accusation,
leaving Ravi twisting slowly, slowly in the wind, by
simply denying it and pointing out, as he did to me
(as though I wasn't already well aware of it), the
enormous unlikelihood that if he'd done what Ravi
claimed, it would have long since come out and been hung
around his neck.

He chose a different course.

As to my initial three-word intervention and what
followed, please contemplate the phrase "getting a taste
of one's own medicine."

--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> Judy,
> I am not sure I understand this.  One the one hand, the big complaint
> about Curtis is that he refuses to censure Barry for the many personal
> attacks which Barry levels against many here.
> And because of this, you don't feel any compunction to rein Ravi in for
> the personal attacks he levels against many here?  Or it may be that you
> feel Ravi's attacks have merit.
> Really, I would appreciate a little clarification in this regard, if you
> don't mind.
> Thanks
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> > >
> > > I appreciate your effort here Steve.  With Judy doubling
> > > down in her support of this guy
> >
> > Beneath contempt, again.

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