And then you can rightly conclude the consequences.

I go through lot of pain at my predicament and others around me. Heck I can't 
even get a girl friend because I apply the highest standards of truth and 
integrity to myself.

But then I get incredibly blissed because I know I'm the emperor that owns this 
fucking existence, 'cause I fucking created it !!!

On Jan 7, 2012, at 10:18 PM, Ravi Chivukula <> wrote:

> I actually created this world. I thought I planned it pretty good but I made 
> a big mistake, I included myself in my creation subject to the same rules 
> which I obviously can't remember. But I know this game has an end so I just 
> ride along. So I know this is all mine, I own everyone's ass, but people 
> think I'm mad and crazy, why?
> On Jan 7, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Shain McVay <> wrote:
>> Forgot to mention the heart matters a lot I imagine.  So everything you said 
>> is apart of it. But you got me on how the rest of it works.  Also I pointed 
>> out that what matters is also important in the collapse of the wave 
>> function, so other than that I don't kow what to tell ya. I have my own 
>> spiritual experiances that seem to explain some of what I said.  But hey 
>> maybe you have a better idea of how it works.
>> From: Ravi Chivukula <>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2012 8:47 PM
>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Collapse of the Wave Function
>> I am talking about my beloved, love, sex, hate, pain, bliss, 
>> longing, separation, oneness and you are talking about this garbage. You 
>> must be suffering from irrevocable, irreparable, irretrievable brain damage, 
>> am I correct in assuming this shaim307?
>> On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 7:37 PM, shainm307 <> wrote:
>> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > --- In, "shainm307" shainm307@ wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Is anyone else interested in how this works?
>> > 
>> > It sure interests me. I don't have a clue how it
>> > works.
>> > 
>> > > Anyone else curious on how reality manifests itself
>> > > and what determines differnt outcomes? This is what
>> > > John Hagelin told us
>> > 
>> > What's what John Hagelin told us?
>> John told our physics class this when we asked him a few years back.
>> > > but he made it clear that he isn't 100% certain
>> > 
>> > That's intriguing. I've never heard him say that
>> > about anything (but then I haven't been listening
>> > to whatever he's said lately).
>> He said something like "You have no idea just how complicated this really is 
>> and you're not letting me off the hook here."  Then he also said "It honest 
>> to God is random."
>> > and
>> > > it's more comlicated than you can imagine. He said
>> > > that it is an unnatural question but reality will
>> > > provide you with an answer.
>> > 
>> > That's pretty cryptic. Any idea what he means?
>> > 
>> > > He also said it could be an entity on the other side.
>> > 
>> > Whoa. What kind of "entity"? On the other side of what?
>> > And what's "it" referring to?
>> He's probally refering to the Hidden Sector Matter part of the universe or 
>> the other side of the equation in Hectoratic E8xE8
>> > > also he said it's just the will of God. Anyone else
>> > > have their speculations on how this works. I have
>> > > my own speculation but I'm probably wrong on something.
>> > 
>> > Why don't you post your speculation, give us something
>> > to bounce off of?
>> I think how your reality manifests itself is based off random probabilities 
>> with the exception of Maxwell's Daemon which manifests things in an unrandom 
>> way. This is all due to the potentiality waves based off probabilities with 
>> the height of the wave the most likely outcome; Maxwells Demon just 
>> influences the probabilities( John made this clear in his physics class if 
>> you ever took it). So you live your day through the probabilities with the 
>> collapse of the wave function being determined in a random way(Randomness is 
>> my specualtation as scientists aren't sure). Now here comes the unrandom 
>> part: your thoughts determine what Maxwell's Demon determines in an unrandom 
>> fashion. The random part is the confusing part as it is hard to think how 
>> can something be random and what the sequence is in the whole process.  This 
>> once again would be my speculation, as I think it is all determined by you.  
>> This is what I think matters in the whole randomness part: freewill, love, 
>> what matters, intelligence of the universe, creativity of the universe and 
>> of course God, plus probably a lot more.  I havn't captured the whole random 
>> process but I imagine it's based off your freewill.
>> > "Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, 'But how 
>> > can it be like that?' because you will get 'down the drain,' into a blind 
>> > alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like 
>> > that."--Richard Feynman on the apparent absurdities of quantum behavior
>> > 
>> > "The chance is high that the truth lies in the fashionable direction. But, 
>> > on the off chance that it is in another direction — a direction obvious 
>> > from an unfashionable view of field theory — who will find it? Only 
>> > someone who has sacrificed himself by teaching himself quantum 
>> > electrodynamics from a peculiar and unfashionable point of view; one that 
>> > he may have to invent for himself."--Richard Feynman, Nobel lecture, 1965
>> >

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