Hi Ann,

I had totally guessed wrong!  Thanks for your response.   We weren't buddies at 
MIU but I do remember you now that I've seen your pic.  The yearbooks are all 
online at:http://www.mum.edu/pdf_yearbooks/  My last name begins with M.  I 
keep it off this board because I work under a stage name and like to keep the 
worlds from colliding!

Andy blew our minds back in '75!  In retrospect I understand how cool it all 
was but it was all a bit much for me back then.  And I do remember his 
connection with Pam.

Peggy is rocking the corporate lecture circuit, what an exceptional human.  I 
haven't seen her in years but checked out her Website.
Mine is at curtis  (no space here) blues dot com

I didn't make it to the reunion but heard about it and envy your going.  I had 
gigs then, but would have otherwise loved to have seen everybody.  We were such 
an unusual bunch weren't we?  As far as I have drifted from the movement, I 
never regret that I did collage sober!  MIU was great for me even if I have 
lost all my "spiritual" perspective since then.

My sister is buddies with Josie who is doing fascinating work for child actors 
in Cali. 

FFL can be an interesting place to write into.  But it isn't for everybody 
that's for sure. I'm glad you dropped in and you will always have eager readers 
for any perspectives you have on your life's journey here,Robin oriented or 
not.  It has helped me integrate parts of my past with who I am now. 

All the best,


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Hey Curtis, I thought my name was right out there - Ann Woelfle. It all 
> sounds right, your MIU memories but I would have to look at a yearbook to put 
> a face to your name. I was really good friends with Marny and Mike and Lenny 
> and Ron and lots of others. Even worked at Peggy O'Neils back in the day. I 
> remember when Andy Kaufman was in town and he had a visit down there to the 
> restaurant and stayed for an after-party. I remember quite vividly dancing 
> like a maniac to the B-52's. He actually dated Pam Paradowski for a while.
> Anyway, "hi". As fun as this has been I might not stick around this site, 
> however. I'm not really interested in anonymous shenanigans or guessing 
> games. I don't mind talking about my "Robin" days but really don't like the 
> negativity coming off of some of the posts. It is so easy to goof around on 
> the internet, become someone else, say and act in ways you would never dream 
> of to someone's face. Not really my thing.
> But thanks for making this connection. I take it you didn't attend the MIU 
> reunion in Santa Barbara a couple of years ago? I went and saw hundreds of 
> people I hadn't seen for 30 years. Peggy O'Neil and Josie Batorski organized 
> it. 
> I am choosing carefully what posts I will read in future, whether the title 
> is "wow" or not. But thank you for your good-natured post, I appreciate it 
> and will look you up in that yearbook.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > awoelflebater, the latest FFL pot stirrer, welcome.  I think the pieces 
> > fell into place for me, we shared a class with Jonathan Shear, didn't we? 
> > How have you been?  Feel free to remain anonymous here if I have it right.  
> > We all have our reasons for choosing how we present ourselves here.  But I 
> > use my real first name Curtis and you might remember me for playing 
> > harmonica at school events if not for being such an earnest little thing in 
> > our Plato class.
> > 
> > For what its worth I think it is most likely that Vaj had direct experience 
> > with Robin, although perhaps not as extensive as your own.  I suggest 
> > contacting him offline, as he has invited, if you want to discuss old 
> > times, you wont get much on this public board.
> > 
> > But for me, again if I have it right, you are a delightfully colorful 
> > bright addition who could definitely add to the mix if you choose to spend 
> > some time writing here.  I hope you do.  But take your time and decide how 
> > many cards you want to show here in public.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Jan 20, 2012, at 6:52 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > On the other hand, maybe there was something she
> > > > > actually felt or experienced that she can convey to
> > > > > us to help us understand. SHE is in a position to
> > > > > do that, *because she was a Robin TB*. Vaj never
> > > > > was. Are you too dumb to get that distinction?
> > > > 
> > > > I wasn't getting that awoelflebater was a WTS TB, but perhaps 
> > > > you're right. 
> > > 
> > > By her/his own accounts, *three years* pretty much
> > > constitutes a TB. I lasted less than three days when
> > > first exposed to Robin Carlsen.  :-) 
> > > 
> > > Then there's the part about hanging in there after 
> > > he could no longer return to Iowa for fear of prosecution. 
> > > That's pretty TB. 
> > > 
> > > > By his or her own claim s/he underwent confrontation - but  
> > > > failed. 
> > > 
> > > One wonders what "success" meant in such a situation.
> > > I am tempted to believe it entailed saying, "You're
> > > just the BEST, Robin, and everything you said about
> > > me is true...I shall amend my sinful ways immediately." :-)
> > > 
> > > > This means s/he was likely expelled for that failure and  
> > > > perhaps ostracized as well. S/he would have been declared 
> > > > demonic and anathema. I'm assuming because of this outcome 
> > > > s/he is not a very likely to be a WTS TB.
> > > 
> > > I did use the words "*was* a TB." Did you miss that?
> > > Clearly, if she/he went so far as to go to the editor
> > > of a BC newspaper to denounce him, she/he wasn't still
> > > much of a TB at that time. The "lingering traces" I
> > > see of former TB-dom also lie in the fact that she 
> > > still hasn't mentioned any particulars of the practice,
> > > whether she now considers them positive or negative, and 
> > > in the fact that she consistently refers to the experience 
> > > in the same way that almost all former cultists speak of
> > > their involvement with a cult. If I'm not mistaken, she
> > > even called it a cult.
> > > 
> > > What I find most fascinating is that unless I have
> > > missed something (which is likely because I see his
> > > name in Message View and immediately move on to the
> > > next post without reading it), MZ himself doesn't
> > > seem all that anxious to interact with his former
> > > disciple. THAT speaks volumes to me, and leaves
> > > me to wonder about the possible reasons for that
> > > silence. 
> > > 
> > > One that pops to mind is that he's really enjoyed 
> > > having his story about his own past be entirely one-
> > > sided up to now. His attacks on you have consistently
> > > been Judy-inspired attempts to pretend it really IS 
> > > one-sided, because you never witnessed any of the 
> > > things you speak of. But now we've got someone on 
> > > the forum who claims to have been there on the front
> > > lines for three years. Seems to me a person as com-
> > > mitted to his own first person ontology and exposing
> > > it to challenges as RWC has claimed to be would be 
> > > happy to interact with such a person. Shouldn't he 
> > > be at least interested in getting his long-overdue 
> > > Report Card as a spiritual teacher? Now wouldn't
> > > THAT be a "confrontation" worth watching?  :-)
> > >
> >

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