It's hard to know which is more hallucinatory, the
fantasy scenario elaborated in this post, or the
apparent assumption that others who read FFL will
think it's anything *but* fantasy.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Recently I made some predictions as to what was going
> to happen in the wake of both Ravi and Robin self-
> destructing. I suggested that the person who recruited
> them and constantly stroked and praised them every time
> they demonized one of the three people she'd trained 
> them to demonize would freak out, and do so in such a 
> way that her tactics would become more obvious to 
> lurkers here.
> I suggest that's what has happened. Because people here
> seem to have embarrassingly short memories, a lot of
> you might not remember what this place was like just
> a few weeks ago. There was a team of people, all care-
> fully recruited by Judy, who week after week after week
> did exactly what was expected of them. That is, they
> spent a large number of their posts dissing and demonizing
> (and in some cases slandering) three people who "coinci-
> dentally" are the three people Judy has been obsessing on
> and cyberstalking for years. One of Judy's minions even
> stupidly gave the people he'd been commissioned to diss
> a name, the Troika (referring to Vaj, Curtis, and myself).
> Every week it was the same Judy and the Pips act, as Jim, 
> Ravi, and Robin (occasionally aided by Nabby and Raunchydog, 
> and further back by Bob Price) did as they'd been taught 
> to do and constantly ragged on one or more of these three 
> people.
> But then they self-destructed. Ravi went down in flames,
> followed shortly by Robin. Jimbo has put himself on a 
> "posting out" diet, consistently going over the posting
> limit such that he posts for a week, then sits on the
> bench for a week, and then repeats that same pattern.
> I have suggested that this provides an opportunity for
> the people of FFL to see exactly where this demonization
> of Curtis, Vaj and myself COMES FROM. With her minions 
> all gone, and only Raunchydog to help her out, Judy has
> to try to reactivate the "Vaj is a liar" meme and the
> "Curtis is unethical" meme and the "Barry is just plain
> evil" meme every week ALL BY HERSELF. And she has. And 
> my prediction is that she will continue to do so. 
> I'm making this prediction so that people start to NOTICE. 
> She has been running this same number for years. 2011 was
> the worst year yet, because she managed to recruit a 
> team of backup dissers to either pile on to her demon-
> izations of the evil Troika or initiate their own. Now
> they're pretty much all gone. so she has to do it herself.
> With a little help from Raunchy, of course. 
> Just WATCH, people. Try to NOTICE what this crazy woman's
> TRENDS are on this forum. Is there a theme she keeps 
> coming back to, week after week after week, as if it's
> some kind of obsession for her, one that she can never
> let go of? I suggest that there is. 
> Unlike her, I am not suggesting that anyone DO anything
> in particular about Judy and her obsessions. Just NOTICE
> them, that's all, and factor that into your assessments
> of either her, or of the three people she consistently 
> tries to "get." The woman's a broken record. She has been 
> fixated on trying to "get" the same three people for years 
> now. In one case, she's been trying to "get" the person 
> for SEVENTEEN YEARS. During all that time there has 
> rarely been a week in which a huge number of her posts 
> were NOT devoted to trying to "get" him. Then Curtis 
> and Vaj got added to the "get" list, and she's been 
> consistent in trying to "get" them ever since, too. 
> I think it's more than a little insane, and have said so.
> Just WATCH, and make your own assessments. 
> My bet is that she will continue to spend a huge amount
> of her posts each week trying to "get" these three people.
> She really doesn't have a *choice* about doing this any
> more; this vindictive vendetta behavior *defines* her. 
> But I could be wrong about all this. Just WATCH, and see
> if you think I am. The best part about making predictions
> like this is that Judy actually has the opportunity to
> prove them wrong, by simply NOT doing what I predict she'll
> do. But she never does. She always does pretty much *exactly*
> what I predict she'll do. I don't think she is capable of
> doing anything else. The Troika and her obsession with them
> run her life. We're pretty much all she's got.

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