Ann, at this point I don't think much of it is really
about Robin himself. As you say, he's left a hefty
legacy of posts. He seemed to be having a lot of fun
explaining his perspectives and engaging in friendly
jousting before a few people started attacking him
and distracted him from his original intention in
participating here, to the point where, it seems, he
decided there was no point in continuing. That's very
much our loss, IMHO.

What's happening now is that various patterns of how
the regulars here treat each other are being questioned
because those patterns were thrown into high relief by
how the posters treated Robin. He's the case in point--
or one of them; Ravi, who had been thrown off the forum
shortly before you arrived, is another--but it's all
really *about* the other posters' behavior rather than
Robin or Ravi themselves.

FFL is a community, and as with any other community,
there are lots of interpersonal dynamics that are
constantly being hashed out. And as with any other
community, there are a few members who enjoy stirring
up trouble. Maybe the rest of us shouldn't allow
ourselves to be stirred by them, but some of us--me
included--have a hard time not calling attention to
what we see as gross injustice and unfairness.

On the other hand, while the conflict threads often
seem to drown out anything else, there's a great
diversity of interests here that many of us enjoy
discussing--politics, music, movies, hobbies, as well
as other spiritual systems and sorting through our
TM-related experiences. Me, I prefer this kind of
interaction and would be enthusiastically
participating here if that was all there was. And I
suspect I'm not alone in this.

In any case, you came to FFL at a point where the
conflicts predominated, so it's not surprising you've
formed the impression that this is what FFL is about.
But that's really only part of it. It's a mixed bag.

Bottom line, it is what it is, and one stays or goes
depending on whether one perceives the balance of
positives and negatives to tip toward one or the other
for oneself.

--- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Well, all I know is no one yet is holding a gun to any of you FFL'ers heads. 
> So all of the long-timers must enjoy this. It is theoretically so easy to 
> just drop out and go do something useful like take out the trash or 
> something. But none of you do that (that garbage must really be piling up) so 
> there you have it. Simple. You all stay here doing what you do on this site 
> because you either want to or have a compulsion to. 
> In this cyclical movement of posts one of you is either igniting a fire 
> because the posts are getting too mild or you are arguing to beat the band. I 
> mostly find it entertaining but sometimes it is a tad repetitive because no 
> one really convinces the other target that they are right. The watchers may 
> change viewpoints because no one could describe the posters here as 
> intellectually flaccid - stubborn, sometimes mean, insulting, and irrational 
> - but not stupid.
> Someone made a comment about Robin running away now, no longer posting, 
> hiding after his last letter. I don't believe this. I'm just not sure there 
> is anything more for him to say. I haven't read all of his words on FFL but I 
> know there are enough to create a hefty manuscript. Now, having established 
> that none of you a downright dumb, quite the opposite, I have to wonder what 
> the hell more he could possibly say to any of you, what other admissions, 
> explanations, reasons for his behaviour or beliefs he could give you. My 
> theory is you want him to stick around because that compulsion, that desire 
> for a heated debate that keeps you all here and that likes a good fight is 
> missing out in his absence.
> This is no judgement, just slightly interested observation. And if my theory 
> is correct, someone's gonna bite...
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > It's hard to know which is more hallucinatory, the
> > fantasy scenario elaborated in this post, or the
> > apparent assumption that others who read FFL will
> > think it's anything *but* fantasy.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Recently I made some predictions as to what was going
> > > to happen in the wake of both Ravi and Robin self-
> > > destructing. I suggested that the person who recruited
> > > them and constantly stroked and praised them every time
> > > they demonized one of the three people she'd trained 
> > > them to demonize would freak out, and do so in such a 
> > > way that her tactics would become more obvious to 
> > > lurkers here.
> > > 
> > > I suggest that's what has happened. Because people here
> > > seem to have embarrassingly short memories, a lot of
> > > you might not remember what this place was like just
> > > a few weeks ago. There was a team of people, all care-
> > > fully recruited by Judy, who week after week after week
> > > did exactly what was expected of them. That is, they
> > > spent a large number of their posts dissing and demonizing
> > > (and in some cases slandering) three people who "coinci-
> > > dentally" are the three people Judy has been obsessing on
> > > and cyberstalking for years. One of Judy's minions even
> > > stupidly gave the people he'd been commissioned to diss
> > > a name, the Troika (referring to Vaj, Curtis, and myself).
> > > 
> > > Every week it was the same Judy and the Pips act, as Jim, 
> > > Ravi, and Robin (occasionally aided by Nabby and Raunchydog, 
> > > and further back by Bob Price) did as they'd been taught 
> > > to do and constantly ragged on one or more of these three 
> > > people.
> > > 
> > > But then they self-destructed. Ravi went down in flames,
> > > followed shortly by Robin. Jimbo has put himself on a 
> > > "posting out" diet, consistently going over the posting
> > > limit such that he posts for a week, then sits on the
> > > bench for a week, and then repeats that same pattern.
> > > 
> > > I have suggested that this provides an opportunity for
> > > the people of FFL to see exactly where this demonization
> > > of Curtis, Vaj and myself COMES FROM. With her minions 
> > > all gone, and only Raunchydog to help her out, Judy has
> > > to try to reactivate the "Vaj is a liar" meme and the
> > > "Curtis is unethical" meme and the "Barry is just plain
> > > evil" meme every week ALL BY HERSELF. And she has. And 
> > > my prediction is that she will continue to do so. 
> > > 
> > > I'm making this prediction so that people start to NOTICE. 
> > > She has been running this same number for years. 2011 was
> > > the worst year yet, because she managed to recruit a 
> > > team of backup dissers to either pile on to her demon-
> > > izations of the evil Troika or initiate their own. Now
> > > they're pretty much all gone. so she has to do it herself.
> > > With a little help from Raunchy, of course. 
> > > 
> > > Just WATCH, people. Try to NOTICE what this crazy woman's
> > > TRENDS are on this forum. Is there a theme she keeps 
> > > coming back to, week after week after week, as if it's
> > > some kind of obsession for her, one that she can never
> > > let go of? I suggest that there is. 
> > > 
> > > Unlike her, I am not suggesting that anyone DO anything
> > > in particular about Judy and her obsessions. Just NOTICE
> > > them, that's all, and factor that into your assessments
> > > of either her, or of the three people she consistently 
> > > tries to "get." The woman's a broken record. She has been 
> > > fixated on trying to "get" the same three people for years 
> > > now. In one case, she's been trying to "get" the person 
> > > for SEVENTEEN YEARS. During all that time there has 
> > > rarely been a week in which a huge number of her posts 
> > > were NOT devoted to trying to "get" him. Then Curtis 
> > > and Vaj got added to the "get" list, and she's been 
> > > consistent in trying to "get" them ever since, too. 
> > > 
> > > I think it's more than a little insane, and have said so.
> > > Just WATCH, and make your own assessments. 
> > > 
> > > My bet is that she will continue to spend a huge amount
> > > of her posts each week trying to "get" these three people.
> > > She really doesn't have a *choice* about doing this any
> > > more; this vindictive vendetta behavior *defines* her. 
> > > 
> > > But I could be wrong about all this. Just WATCH, and see
> > > if you think I am. The best part about making predictions
> > > like this is that Judy actually has the opportunity to
> > > prove them wrong, by simply NOT doing what I predict she'll
> > > do. But she never does. She always does pretty much *exactly*
> > > what I predict she'll do. I don't think she is capable of
> > > doing anything else. The Troika and her obsession with them
> > > run her life. We're pretty much all she's got.
> > >
> >

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