Ann, thanks for dispelling the ridiculous notion that Robin was afraid of you. 
I wonder if Barry and Vaj who invented this fantasy will be admit they were 
wrong, or will they be too afraid to admit they were wrong and do what they 
accused Robin of doing and turn tail?

--- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Hi Again, you're that guy I like, that is so funny, whether you realize it or 
> not. And I mean it in the most positive of ways. How did a nice guy like you 
> end up in a place like this?!
> Anyway, You ask:
> "You Ann, have stated that he probably said everything that needed to be
> > said.  To me, it's curious that that happened to coincide with your
> > arrival here."
> I know a few of you have theories about this so I will try and clarify some 
> things. Although I have not seen Robin for 25 years and only stumbled on him 
> at FFL by mere (but fascinating) chance as I have already described I can 
> assure you all of one thing: Robin is not intimidated, worried, scared or 
> reluctant to face me. I know this in a very profound part of myself. I know 
> that many of you see this coincidence of our paths crossing via FFL and him 
> splitting pretty quickly after that as pretty much proof of him running away 
> from me or from what he was afraid I might say. But, if he was afraid of me 
> saying something damning then he would have definitely stuck around to 
> address it. Robin and I go way back, I have been pummelled at the microphone, 
> away from the microphone. I have been praised and nurtured within the group 
> that surrounded him.  He and I have run through the trenches, lobbed grenades 
> and torn ourselves on barbed wire in our times together. None of you have 
> even the faintest idea of any of it.
> If Robin left when he did it was for a very good reason that most likely had 
> NOTHIING to do with me and certainly nothing to do with being afraid. I know 
> that he would have his reasons for going. I know that those reasons would 
> have something to do with preserving whatever knowledge he has fought his way 
> to gain regarding himself, his role in this big play called life, and to hold 
> as best he can onto his integrity. He is not someone to put in half an effort 
> or to knowingly begin something he can not finish well. He is, for all his 
> faults, a man who is willing to fall head first and headlong into whatever he 
> engages in. Robin hasn't gone away, he probably wishes he could. No, Robin is 
> very present in whatever situation he finds or has put himself. Just because 
> someone isn't on FFL doesn't mean they have found any reprieve or escaped the 
> harsh demands of this world. 
> --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Ditto.  I enjoyed your reply,  Barry.  I don't think you could read it,
> > and not feel empathy for your situation.  And that is not meant to be a
> > put down of Judy.
> > 
> > I think it's been a good week of posting, though I've been mostly on the
> > sidelines.
> > 
> > Getting back to Robin.  The one thing I take issue with, is that he
> > always presented himself as a "stand up" guy.  He seemed to really
> > emphasize that  point.  I didn't see it.  He would sometimes make
> > cutting statements, and then when asked to back them up, he would go
> > silent.
> > 
> > You Ann, have stated that he probably said everything that needed to be
> > said.  To me, it's curious that that happened to coincide with your
> > arrival here.
> > 
> > Let me say also Ann, that I don't quite follow your observation that
> > Judy can run circles, intellectually around anyone here.  To me, after
> > about the second or third round of dissecting an issue about who is
> > being disengenuous, or raising a straw man, I have a hard time following
> > her logic.  The only thing I know for sure is that she is somehow going
> > to "come out on top".  Yes, she has on several occassions found flaws in
> > conclusions that I have reached, and I have for the most part, been
> > happy to acknowledge those flaws.  That is her strength.  But I just
> > don't have the appetite or perhaps the intellecual stamina to ride
> > issues that hard.
> > 
> > I observe that Curtis seems capable of doing this.  But in Judy's mind,
> > at least, he is like Hamilton Burger in "Perry Mason".  Poor Hamilton
> > never won a case!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Ai yi yi Barry. You know you really conveyed your frustration in your
> > response and I actually feel empathy for you, truly. You sound like
> > someone at your wit's end and I can really sense your frustration. It is
> > like you have been in a really bad, abusive relationship for 17 YEARS!!
> > You must really enjoy FFL because anyone else would have posted out by
> > now just to get away from Judy but you don't want to go and neither,
> > apparently does she.
> > >
> > > I can't say that I would describe her effect on you has been to
> > "demonize" you. That is a very strong word. I know what it is like to be
> > demonized, literally, and whatever you think she is doing is not that. I
> > am pretty sure no one else thinks you are downright, stinking bad and
> > evil either so don't worry about her supposed influence. You can get
> > crazy over what you think of as her repetitive battering of your
> > viewpoints, your logic and your personality. Unfortunately, your
> > ranting, and you are within you rights to rant as much as you like,
> > isn't going to stop anything or convince anyone of anything other than
> > your utter frustration. But if it makes you feel better this is the
> > place to let it all hang out.
> > >
> > > I am not sure there is a solution here because, like a dysfunctional
> > family, you are all so used to each other, to the patterns of behavior
> > that in some strange way you all enable each other. Not sure how you can
> > stop that either since both of you are fighters and no one wants to
> > leave.
> > >
> > > Well, just wanted to acknowledge I feel your pain. I hope there were
> > no broken coffee cups yesterday, but probably not as you let fly with
> > the keyboard.
> > >
> > > --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@>
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Whew, I missed this post yesterday morning. Barry, you
> > > > > must have gotten out of bed yesterday having laid there
> > > > > for hours composing this in your head.
> > > >
> > > > No, it was spontaneous, over coffee, just the result
> > > > of watching another week of what has been going on
> > > > for seventeen years.
> > > >
> > > > > Talk about coming out of the gate like a racehorse.
> > > > > This has practically taken my breath away.
> > > > >
> > > > > Now this is the first really mean post I have seen and,
> > > > > yes I am the newbie so I'm sure this "ain't nothin'",
> > > > > but I think it's something. There is obviously lots of
> > > > > history and animosity here for Judy on your part
> > > > > because it just exploded all over my screen.
> > > >
> > > > Ann, it's just that I was hoping (naively) that now
> > > > that Judy's minions (and they *were* minions) have
> > > > bit the dust, she might give the "Gotta get Barry/
> > > > Curtis/Vaj" thing a break, even for a week or two.
> > > > Silly me.
> > > >
> > > > Any animosity on my part is the result of having
> > > > spent SEVENTEEN YEARS knowing that almost every
> > > > day of those years I could look forward to one or
> > > > more posts from Judy dissing or actively demonizing
> > > > one of these three people. Yes, if you're a newbie
> > > > here, and used to dealing with sane people, this
> > > > sounds like a crazy claim. But we're talking about
> > > > Judy, and she's bat shit crazy. It really HAS been
> > > > going on (in my case) for seventeen years. In Vaj's
> > > > and Curtis', slightly less, but also for YEARS.
> > > > We're fuckin' tired of it.
> > > >
> > > > > Now far be it for me to "fight other people's fights
> > > > > here", I gather that is just not done, everyone is a
> > > > > grown up and more than capable of looking after
> > > > > themselves. But Barry, can I object to some of the
> > > > > imagery here, uh let's see, which is the most odious,
> > > > > oh yea, let's start with, "She's just a parrot,
> > > > > echoing other people's thoughts, a mere skidmark
> > > > > on the underwear of spirituality."
> > > >
> > > > That's how I see her importance in the history of
> > > > spiritual thought. I kinda liked the image. Too bad
> > > > if you did't like it.
> > > >
> > > > > So now we are on to the scatological references, you
> > > > > can usually count on something like this to come out
> > > > > of the mouth of a 12 year old but having seen your
> > > > > picture I know you have to be older than that possibly
> > > > > even a grandfather based on the fact you are cradling
> > > > > a small and beautiful infant in one of them? Come on
> > > > > Barry.
> > > >
> > > > It was written for effect. Obviously, it worked. It
> > > > is also my honest opinion of her intellectual worth.
> > > >
> > > > > Now this post is probably partly meant for me, being
> > > > > the innocent on the block, but the tone and manner of
> > > > > the posting is enough to warn me off of YOU, not her.
> > > >
> > > > Fine. I was just telling you what to expect. WAIT AND
> > > > SEE. If it doesn't happen, I was wrong. If you're still
> > > > around, get back to me a year from now and tell me then
> > > > that I was wrong. Try noticing every time Judy finds the
> > > > need to demonize one of the three of us for even the
> > > > next *month* and see if she might just be a tad obsessed
> > > > by the need to do so. I'm not telling you what to believe,
> > > > merely suggesting to you some trends you might just telling
> > > > you might look for.
> > > >
> > > > > I can only chalk it up to years of frustration and anger
> > > > > you have felt as a result of her dialogues with you.
> > > >
> > > > You would be correct in this assumption.
> > > >
> > > > > You have had more than enough. So why are you still
> > > > > talking to her, talking ABOUT her??
> > > >
> > > > Because she's still actively trying to suck others into
> > > > her obsession, and often succeeding. The last generation
> > > > of her dedicated minions have now bit the dust, and she's
> > > > obviously ramping up to recruit a new generation of them.
> > > > If I'm wrong, what I say will prove itself false over the
> > > > next few weeks and months. If I'm right, that also will
> > > > prove itself true. If you're truly objective, WAIT
> > > > AND SEE. Don't judge merely based on "This can't be
> > > > sounds crazy." It IS crazy. This is Judy
> > > > we're talking about. Vaj is far from the only person
> > > > here to suggest that she's pretty much textbook Border-
> > > > line Personality Disordered.
> > > >
> > > > Here's an experiment for you. I'll stop talking about her,
> > > > for at least the next week. And I'll try my best not to
> > > > "attack" others here, as she claims I do and as she uses
> > > > as an excuse to keep attacking me. If she continues to
> > > > attack me, and the others on her Enemies List, then a
> > > > case can be made for me being right. If that doesn't
> > > > happen, I was wrong. I have left all of the power in
> > > > this situation up to her. And I have left the ability
> > > > to judge it up to people like you. Try to do so. But
> > > > don't be naive enough to try to judge based on three
> > > > weeks' experience.
> > > >
> > > > Get back to me in three months and tell me what you
> > > > think then. Deal?
> > > >
> > >
> >

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