> > > So, yes, it's text, but professionally formatted
> > > for easy reading. Everyone knows that plain text
> > > with line breaks is the preferred format for
> > > discussion groups. Go figure.
> >
> > It really depends on the system that the text is being
> > processed through, whether you are responding through
> > Yahoo's text editor or using the HTML editor, whether
> > you get the post via email etc. I don't bother with it.
> > Sometimes I will reformat something so it looks better
> > after it has passed through many iterations of replies.
> >
> > The greater than character (>) is not quite a right
> > angle
> >
> The term is "right angle-bracket" (as opposed to a left
> angle-bracket < ), not "right-angle bracket."
Thanks for re-formatting Xeno's message - it's much
easier to read with the angle bracket inserted before
each reply line of text!

307292 <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/307292>

Xenophaneros Anartaxius:

> It really depends on the system that the text is being processed
through, whether you are responding through Yahoo's text editor or using
the HTML editor, whether you get the post via email etc. I don't bother
with it. Sometimes I will reformat something so it looks better after it
has passed through many iterations of replies.
> The greater than character (>) is not quite a right angle and it is
generated automatically when replying via Yahoo's text editor. What Judy
and Barry do is manually format the line breaks so the lines tend to
remain unbroken through several iterations of posts and replys, that is
they make the lines short enough so reformat by the forum software which
makes the lines longer by adding the '>' character and additional spaces
does not result in a new line break. Most do not fuss with this. I do
not fuss with it.

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