lordknows888, I never encountered Robin before he joined
this forum back in June 2011, so I can't address any of
what you say about him from his WTS days--except to
point out that he has openly acknowledged here how
deeply disturbed he was and how painfully he regrets
the damage he did back then.

However, I do not recognize Robin as you describe him
with regard to his participation on FFL.

For example:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lord Knows <lordknows888@...> wrote:
> To put into perspective and accurate chronology your "revelation"
> about the Eastern spiritual tradition, it came in 1987 when you 
> told the group that the the mantras we received through TM were
> the names of demons or fallen angels. It did not come years
> later after you had purged yourself of your 
> supposed "enlightenment".It was while you were still in a self 
> admitted deeply disturbed state that you received this "truth",
> and not as you have represented here as coming years later.

It has been my understanding all along from Robin's posts
that he disavowed Eastern spiritual traditions not long
after he converted to Catholicism in 1987. I don't know
which post or posts you're referring to in which you
perceived him to have claimed that he did so only after
"de-enlightening" himself. I have to wonder whether you
didn't misunderstand something he wrote.

> Robin your record of accuracy on your grand theories and insights
> is abysmal. A pharmacy student in college is allowed only 3 
> occasions of lethal errors in making up prescriptions before he
> is bounced out of the pharmacy department, if you were held to
> the same standard as a practicing spiritual teacher you would
> have flunked out a hell of long time ago.

He did flunk out a hell of a long time ago, over 25 years ago,
in fact. He no longer considers himself a spiritual teacher,
practicing or otherwise.

> Why it is you think anyone would believe and trust what you
> have to say about religious or metaphysical truth is beyond
> all reckoning.

I have never had the impression that Robin expects anyone
to "believe and trust" what he has to say, any more than
the rest of us do concerning what we say. In fact, he
frequently says explicitly that he does not expect this.

Personally, given the extraordinary trials Robin has been
through, given that he's "been there, done that" to a
greater extent than anybody else here, I'm inclined to
consider his ideas and reflections on spirituality
quite seriously. (Note that I said "consider," not "adopt.")

> Why have you made yourself now the great teacher of anti-
> enlightnment with essentially the same way of projecting that
> you have the inside track on what the truth is? This is really
> just the same as before, you have only changed the content.
> You are now the specially gifted one you is the only person in
> all history to reveal the mystical lie at the heart of the
> Eastern spiritual traditions

I'm sorry, but your tone is so hostile and your characterizations
are so unfair and distorted with regard to how Robin actually
presents himself on FFL that you've done significant damage
to your credibility, as far as I'm concerned.

> Finally Curtis confronted Robin with the deception Robin had
> been carrying on about not having hit any of his followers
> when in fact he had.

And here you're simply wrong. Robin had 'fessed up to the
deception, such as it was, of his own accord, in a post
titled "How Robin Struck PeopleĀ—And Lied About it: An Open
Letter to Barry Wright":


(You might want to actually read the letter, since it
confirms a couple of things I said above.)

Curtis had nothing to do with this revelation. Only after
the fact did he decide to take his revenge on Robin by
excoriating him when he was most vulnerable, in one of
the ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL (although yours
approaches it in sheer viciousness).

> To fill in an additional point about that incident, the person
> who Robin hit told me he thought his jaw might have been broken
> by the force of the blow.

Yes, we've heard about this incident from another former
follower of Robin who posts here:


> One additional point is about Robin's use of irony, he can
> not disprove any factual statement through his use of irony,
> try as he might.

I've never observed Robin attempting to disprove a factual
statement through the use of irony. Have you?

Please note, however, that I've disproved several of your
purportedly factual statements. Your account of Robin on
FFL is pretty disgracefully sloppy where factual issues
are concerned.

One would be inclined to have sympathy for you on the basis
of the difficult times you endured while you were one of
Robin's followers 30-some years ago, if it weren't for the
malice with which you attempt to discredit who he is today.
It appears to me that you've simply projected your outrage
at what you and others had to go through onto the Robin you
see posting to FFL. You've interpreted his current behavior
in terms of his past behavior without going to the trouble
of looking closely enough at it to see what might be
genuinely different.

And I make the above statement without questioning what
you've said (or what Robin himself has said) about what
he was like and what he did in the past.

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