--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
> > > > past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
> > > > to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
> > > > already mentally ill person to become more so. But
> > > > it's been sad to see him "reel in" naive people 
> > > > here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 
> > > > 
> > > > I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
> > > > of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
> > > > those who have been sucked into his web will actually
> > > > learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
> > > > attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
> > > > for trying. 
> > > 
> > > Barry, I agree 100% and could not have said it better. And for
> > > Lordknows, given what you went through all those years ago, I
> > > think your post was not only informative and accurate and 
> > > insightful, but rather generous to Robin.
> > 
> > "Generous to Robin"? This is a joke, right?
> Not at all a joke. LordKnows paid for a healing ceremony
> for Robin, and clearly stated Robin's gifts in addition to
> the problems.

As I went on to make clear, I'm asking whether you truly
believe LK has been "generous to Robin" in his portrayals
of Robin's activities here on FFL (the only activities of
his you know about firsthand, obviously).

> > really think how Lord Knows has characterized Robin's
> > activities on FFL bears any resemblance to the reality,
> > do you? 
> In my opinion it sounds pretty accurate, and like a horrible
> experience.

I beg your pardon? Robin's activities on FFL sound like
a "horrible experience"?

You must mean Lord Knows's characterization of Robin's
activities 30 years ago. But that wasn't what I asked you
about. (On the other hand, how would you know whether
LK's description of Robin 30 years ago was accurate?)

Now, would you mind answering my question? Do you think
LK's descriptions of Robin's participation on FFL are

> You're *agreeing* with Barry that Robin is
> > "sucking" people "into his web"?
> I think Robin is brilliant and working things out about himself
> and his beliefs

That, of course, is what he has repeatedly said himself:
that he is working things out about himself and his beliefs.

> - and can still be very powerful with words and ideas.  His
> style of thinking and writing are unusual and make me 
> uncomfortable - almost mersmerizing.  I have said this before
> here, and to Robin hmself.

I think you may be unique in this. I find what Robin writes
often compelling and fascinating, but it's never made me
uncomfortable; and I've never seen anybody else suggest that.

> I think he is powerful, without intending to do anything
> negative to others.  He just has incredible power 

I concur. But again, that isn't what I asked you. Do you
agree with Barry that Robin is trying to "suck people into
his web"?

And of course that's what LK has suggested as well. Do you
find that suggestion "generous to Robin"?

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