> > ...the Srivistava thugs that threatened the Kaplans 
> > and the priest who collected young boys for Sai 
> > Baba!
> >
Ravi Chivukula:
> *OMG..run, Vaj, the liar's back..........*
And. lets not forget Val's guru, the Osel Tendzin of
the Vajradhatu!

Subject: ReligionNewsBlog
From: ApologeticsIndex
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Date: May 21, 2004

Subject: Re: earl kaplan letter
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Author: George deForrest
Date: August 5, 2004

Subject: Re: earl kaplan letter rendered readable
Author: Michael
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: August 6, 2004

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