--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Dear Xeno
> > First I want to clarify a few things. I never took your initial 
> > statement of a few days ago (that I seemed to enter FFL on the 
> > backdraft of Robin and you were sort of wondering what that was
> > all about) as anything as innocent curiosity. When you wrote
> > that I didn't believe that you were insinuating anything
> > untoward or hostile or were, indeed, implying much of anything 
> > other than you noticed I came to FFL when Robin was posting
> > back in January. And indeed I did.
> For the record, so Xeno doesn't get confused, I wasn't
> at all concerned about the "backdraft" part of his remark.
> You were explicit right at the start about why you turned
> up here.
> There was some dark speculation among those who had taken
> a dislike to Robin that you had joined us to defend him at
> his request (and even that you were he in disguise!), but
> as far as I can recall Xeno never participated in that.

Oh, I was unaware that there was that theory floating around. But no, my 
stumbling upon FFL at that exact moment when I did was the most amazing timing. 
And completely by fluke, as a result of a number of coincidences that added up 
to me popping out from behind the curtain at just the moment I did. Cool.
> I've already explained to Xeno why I found the rest of his
> remark about you offensive, so I won't go into it again.
> You and I have different perspectives on Xeno, and that's
> fine.

But you are a master at keeping things straight and true and it is all 
documented and organized. This, to me, is the sign of someone wedded to finding 
and understanding the truth. I think you are a truth seeker in fact! And since 
I hadn't kept track of my own presence here with regard to my exact timing and 
posting you made me aware of that as well. So, as far as I'm concerned, it is 
> <snip>
> > Robin started to post again and the inevitable negativity and
> > questions and digs started up again with regard to him and his
> > past history
> Just to remind folks, Robin started to post again *because*
> certain people had decided to start attacking him in his
> absence, and he felt he needed to correct the intentionally
> misleading context in which they had done so.
> He got a warm welcome-back from quite a few others and ended
> up sticking around. As before, his positive contributions to
> the forum have been significant.
> The few people who find him threatening, and who compulsively
> attack not only him but anyone who enjoys his presence here,
> have made themselves look small and mean, IMHO.

I would certainly agree with that. 

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