Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick who started FFL?!

As for Barry's reply to Raunchy:  clearly she was not praising Ravi, as Barry 
accused.  She was objecting to using the family topic to criticize Ravi.  For 
all the reasons you mention, Judy, I think that objection was spot on.  

 From: authfriend <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

Let's consider some facts for a change.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
> > your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
> > about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
> > certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
> > on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
> Speaking of "asleep at the wheel," Ravi himself
> volunteered this information, in the context of
> telling people how cool he was to have flirted
> with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.

Actually, here's what Ravi said:

"My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the 
kids - the complete physical, legal custody
with no visitation, even her lawyer privately apologized to

And here's what Barry said:

"Rick doesn't seem to have considered, when allowing him to
return, that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
unstable to allow him access to or even visitation rights
with his own children."

IOW, Ravi did not tell us what Barry claims he told us.
Barry does not know why the court decided what it did.

(Oh, and notice Barry's multiplication tactic: "courts"
rather than "court." Sounds so much more definitive if more
than one court had decided the same thing, doesn't it?)

Let's get real here. It's not as if nobody had ever
succeeded in convincing a court that a former spouse was
Bad News for the kids purely out of spite. It's a very
effective way of getting back at the former spouse for
whatever had gone wrong in the marriage. (And while
fathers occasionally manage to wangle a no-visitation
decision from a divorce court, traditionally courts tend
to favor the mother in such cases.)

>From what Ravi has told us about his interactions with
his ex-wife's attorney, it appears the attorney may have
had her doubts about the justice of the court's decision
for her client (also see the quote below from a later
post of Ravi's).

Finally, all this happened years ago. Rick had no basis
*whatsoever* for taking it into consideration when he
decided to allow Ravi to return to FFL.

And for all we know, the legal situation may have changed
in the interim. Is Ravi still forbidden to see his kids?
We don't know. Maybe he'll tell us.

Here's what Ravi went on to say about his wife's attorney
in a subsequent post:

"Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she
was a bit older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..
LOL..she was like, don't talk to my attorney - not realizing
the stupidity and hilarity of her statement. Anyway her lawyer
starts explaining how she is a nice, honest person, goes to
bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job) and
I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says -
look Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful
and she repeats with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a
very nice guy and then I finally acknowledged and gave her one
of my patented bows."

> I have no "grudge" against Ravi. I have stated
> my position with regard to him many times, and
> have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
> not interact with him or any of the other people
> on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
> because I have neither the training nor the
> inclination to do so.
> You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
> an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.

But Barry considers himself to have the training to
know when someone is unstable--and rather obviously
has a powerful inclination to repeat that conclusion
over and over, as if it were established fact, in an
attempt to anathematize those he has declared to be
unstable and turn other posters against them.

When considering whether Barry is being candid when
he claims not to have a grudge against Ravi, FFL
readers should perhaps bear in mind that Barry has
pronounced his expert diagnosis of "instability"--or
worse--virtually exclusively on his critics.

Enough said.


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