Dear Aunt Share - thanks for love, support and concern.

This is what I do, day in and day out - eat well, rest well, work well. I'm
not a masochist like these conster, fraudster Gurus, because I don't need
anything from anyone - the existence provides me and has provided me
everything I need.

In fact I only take care of myself, always true to myself, totally lost in
my beloved Rosathea, always thinking of her, the things I need to do to
impress her, why yesterday I went for labor day shopping and bought a few
Abercrombies, I think of how to win her love, admiration, respect, hoping I
will hear from her soon - the rest of all this is very accidental.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Share Long <> wrote:

> **
> Ravi, just take good care of yourself, ok?  Maybe get some good rest.
> Some healthy delicious food and beverage.  Some fun exercise in sunshine
> and fresh air.  Such common sense approaches can help a lot when the old
> world starts shaking us up.  I realize you're a young, strong man, etc.
> Nonetheless, very wise to take good care of the body mind vehicle.  If only
> to be an even better lover of all that is.  Share
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Ravi Chivukula <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 4, 2012 2:59 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
> I just want to add here something quick - I'm not here to share my
> personal stories to titillate, woo some old farts here jaded, wearied, worn
> down by their failed spiritual journeys, sold into Maharishi's con,
> deception - as Nabby stated it so beautifully - it's in the fine print -
> what does the fine print say? Three words - responsibility, accountability
> and transparency(self-honesty).
> I'm not going to elaborate my personal stories for some factual accuracy,
> or to clarify the slander, lies spread by people with chin-envies and small
> penis complexes.
> I use my personal stories to add a certain context, to add detail,
> personal touch, feel to my stories.
> Because this is not some dry, intellectual, writing - no nedo-advaitic
> puny, pathetic platitudes that I'm indulging in nor is it the passable,
> presentable, platitudes that some Gurus deceiving and deluding themselves
> as divine mothers, avatars
> My writing is a love affair, regardless of who's reading or not, the
> audience I'm talking to is not alien, distant to me. As I write I feel lot
> of love, oneness with whom I'm communicating, writing in this case. I want
> my audience to feel the primary motivation of my writing - which is
> ultimately love.
> I'm not trying to deceive innocent, naive, gullible audience like Barry
> and Curtis do and then turn around and cry wolf, slander, lie, indulging in
> their shameless, clueless, whiny, drama queenery.
> I try to create a rich tapestry, a stunning mosaic to express my love, my
> journey, my thoughts, on my spiritual journey - this tapestry, mosaic with
> the beautiful set of English adjectives.
> I don't claim to be an omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing person - just a
> simple, vulnerable, helpless, loving, created being at the mercy of this
> dynamic, organic, mysterious entity known as the existence, reality or God.
> All I have is my brutal-self honesty and integrity.
> Of course I also use my writing to create a complex, intricate, maze, den,
> web, context to GIS (Goad, insult and slay) my adversaries and cruelly
> expose their biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties, their deception.
> One can feel the love of my writing and reciprocate my love.
> But if you are GIS'd - you can preserve your self-dignity like many others
> or be shameless, clueless, manipulative, deceivers like Barry, Curtis.
> Either way I strongly believe I can't ultimately touch, taint or tarnish
> anyone's consciousness - the purity of their first person ontologies, their
> unique expression, manifestation within this organic, dynamic, mysterious
> entity.
> So feel my love or slander me. It makes no difference to me.
> Love,
> Ravi
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:16 AM, authfriend <> wrote:
> **
>  --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> >
> > Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick
> > who started FFL?!
> Well, he isn't the first to do so, and he won't be the last.
> I've done it myself on occasion.
> What *is* ironic is that Barry usually fawns all over Rick,
> especially for having created this forum as a place where
> everyone can feel free to say what they think.
> > As for Barry's reply to Raunchy: clearly she was not praising
> > Ravi, as Barry accused. She was objecting to using the family
> > topic to criticize Ravi.
> Right, she wasn't praising him in that post, but from her
> other posts, she's obviously friendly toward him. That's
> what makes Barry crazy, that other people *like* Ravi.
> I actually tend to agree with Barry that whatever someone
> has said about their private lives on FFL is fair game
> for comment. (Preferably appreciative or compassionate
> comment, but we know there are some here from whom that
> cannot be expected.)
> What I think is utterly inexcusable is to *misrepresent*
> what the person has said and embroider and distort it with
> speculations presented as if they were established fact--
> which is what Barry did.
> Â  For all the reasons you mention, Judy, I think that objection was spot
> on.Â
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: authfriend <authfriend@...>
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:16 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Let's consider some facts for a change.
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of
> > > > your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying
> > > > about him or not, it's none of your damn business and
> > > > certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing
> > > > on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
> > >
> > > Speaking of "asleep at the wheel," Ravi himself
> > > volunteered this information, in the context of
> > > telling people how cool he was to have flirted
> > > with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.
> >
> > Actually, here's what Ravi said:
> >
> > "My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything,
> the kids - the complete physical, legal custody
> > with no visitation, even her lawyer privately apologized to
> > me."
> >
> > And here's what Barry said:
> >
> > "Rick doesn't seem to have considered, when allowing him to
> > return, that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
> > unstable to allow him access to or even visitation rights
> > with his own children."
> >
> > IOW, Ravi did not tell us what Barry claims he told us.
> > Barry does not know why the court decided what it did.
> >
> > (Oh, and notice Barry's multiplication tactic: "courts"
> > rather than "court." Sounds so much more definitive if more
> > than one court had decided the same thing, doesn't it?)
> >
> > Let's get real here. It's not as if nobody had ever
> > succeeded in convincing a court that a former spouse was
> > Bad News for the kids purely out of spite. It's a very
> > effective way of getting back at the former spouse for
> > whatever had gone wrong in the marriage. (And while
> > fathers occasionally manage to wangle a no-visitation
> > decision from a divorce court, traditionally courts tend
> > to favor the mother in such cases.)
> >
> > From what Ravi has told us about his interactions with
> > his ex-wife's attorney, it appears the attorney may have
> > had her doubts about the justice of the court's decision
> > for her client (also see the quote below from a later
> > post of Ravi's).
> >
> > Finally, all this happened years ago. Rick had no basis
> > *whatsoever* for taking it into consideration when he
> > decided to allow Ravi to return to FFL.
> >
> > And for all we know, the legal situation may have changed
> > in the interim. Is Ravi still forbidden to see his kids?
> > We don't know. Maybe he'll tell us.
> >
> > Here's what Ravi went on to say about his wife's attorney
> > in a subsequent post:
> >
> > "Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she
> > was a bit older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..
> > LOL..she was like, don't talk to my attorney - not realizing
> > the stupidity and hilarity of her statement. Anyway her lawyer
> > starts explaining how she is a nice, honest person, goes to
> > bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job) and
> > I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says -
> > look Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful
> > and she repeats with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a
> > very nice guy and then I finally acknowledged and gave her one
> > of my patented bows."
> >
> > > I have no "grudge" against Ravi. I have stated
> > > my position with regard to him many times, and
> > > have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
> > > not interact with him or any of the other people
> > > on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
> > > because I have neither the training nor the
> > > inclination to do so.
> > >
> > > You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
> > > an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.
> >
> > But Barry considers himself to have the training to
> > know when someone is unstable--and rather obviously
> > has a powerful inclination to repeat that conclusion
> > over and over, as if it were established fact, in an
> > attempt to anathematize those he has declared to be
> > unstable and turn other posters against them.
> >
> > When considering whether Barry is being candid when
> > he claims not to have a grudge against Ravi, FFL
> > readers should perhaps bear in mind that Barry has
> > pronounced his expert diagnosis of "instability"--or
> > worse--virtually exclusively on his critics.
> >
> > Enough said.

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