--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
> > > > your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
> > > > about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
> > > > certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
> > > > on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
> > > 
> > > Speaking of "asleep at the wheel," Ravi himself
> > > volunteered this information, in the context of
> > > telling people how cool he was to have flirted
> > > with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 
> > 
> > Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it
> > is true.
> Not "from months ago," Susan. Barry's referring to
> posts Ravi made in the past couple of days.
> > Ravi himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been
> > very careful to stay away and out of all of this, careful
> > not to egg anyone on.
> Your admirable self-righteousness comes across as
> clear as a bell, Susan.
Oh Judy, I spoke the truth here, not self righteousness. I happen to think Ravi 
is probably  pretty mazing person.  But as you know, it was you in particular i 
was thinking of as not being a good friend to Ravi.  I think  you must know 
that. Maybe that is why this bothered you so?
> > > I have no "grudge" against Ravi. I have stated
> > > my position with regard to him many times, and
> > > have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
> > > not interact with him or any of the other people
> > > on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
> > > because I have neither the training nor the
> > > inclination to do so. 
> > 
> > I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this
> > months ago.  My feelings were and are that it is unkind to
> > "use" people who are not well in chat rooms
> (Just for the record, FFL is not a "chat room," it's a
> public forum.)

Thanks for that very significant correction.  I am sure it misled everyone!!
> > to encourage them in any way.  My reason was that this stuff
> > stays around, and employers, attorneys, they all can see it.
> > It can embarrass family, mortify the person themself when they 
> > well, and ruin lives, or at least compromise them.  Not good
> > to be in any way a part of that.
> Says Susan, quite deliberately making herself "a part
> of that."
> Like Barry, she believes she is able to determine who
> is and who is not well, and she wants it known that she
> has judged Ravi to be definitely not well.

Wrong again, Judy.  Ravi himself said he had some troubles, and I believed him. 
Nothing wrong in that, is there? 
> So much for her reluctance to participate in ruining
> (or at least compromising) lives. So much for her
> concern about attorneys and family and employers. She
> wants them all to know of her conviction that Ravi is
> "not well."
> > > You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
> > > an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.
> > 
> > Encouraging this type of behavior is not only not a favor,
> > it is using them and a form of ridicule.  Just my opinion,
> > I know.
> Again, like Barry, Susan assumes her "opinion" is
> held by everyone on FFL. Those of us who like Ravi,
> according to Susan, all agree that he is "not well"
> and are just pretending to be friendly when in fact,
> in Susan's mind, we are really only "using" and
> "ridiculing" him.
> What terrible people we must be compared to Saintly 
> Susan and Blameless Barry, who are doing their level
> best to infuriate this person they claim is "not well"
> and "unstable," hoping to encourage even more extreme
> forms of the behavior they profess to deplore so they
> can intensify their public hand-wringing.
> Obviously they're seething over what Ravi has said
> about them and are intent on striking back. It fails
> to occur to them how their anger at him belies their
> pious declarations concerning his purportedly delicate
> state of his mental health. Why, they're just as
> pissed off at him as if he were as sane as they are!
> I guess compassion would dictate that one pity people
> who are so painfully devoid of self-knowledge. But
> I'm afraid I can't muster up those finer feelings.
> Their hypocrisy just makes me want to throw up.
Go ahead.

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