Hey Steve,

First thanks for the kind words about my poo poo platter image and secondly, 
would you mind pointing out the post in question.  I have skipped a bunch of 
Robin's posts that look like they are just video links so it didn't register. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@>
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> much snipping
> > > I have to think, Judy, that you would take exception to someone
> > > describing an entirely fictitious conversation with you as though
> > > it had occurred. I also think that you might take exception to
> > > someone writing posts with your byline,
> >
> > (Steve has explained he didn't mean using someone else's
> > account ID.)
> >
> >  even if it is done in the
> > > name of so called irony.  My feeling is that you would request
> > > that such a person refrain from doing that.
> >
> > It would depend, Steve. And certainly Curtis and Share
> > are free to object or make such a request if they think
> > anybody might have been misled.
> >
> > But it was obvious to me that the "conspiracy" bit and
> > the paragraph Robin wrote and signed "Curtis" were both
> > ironic. And frankly, I'd be astonished if everyone didn't
> > realize this.
> Yes, I am sure everyone did realize it.  It is just something I would
> not take the liberty of doing.  Perhaps I am more sensitive along these
> lines.  Of course Share did respond that she  had not participated in
> the discussion to which Robin indicated she was a party.  I picked up
> that she wasn't too thrilled about being misrepresented.
> And also,
> > Irony is pretty easy to detect if one is in good contact
> > with reality, because the variance from reality in the
> > ironic material is clear. It's really just a matter of
> > common sense.
> I don't think anyone is missing the irony.  But irony just like anything
> can be in good taste or poor taste.  In my opinion, Robin's irony
> sometimes crosses a line  most people would not appreciate.
> But it may not be enough for them to make a protest.  It is not that big
> a deal for me either.  But since we were discussing issues along these
> lines, I brought it up.

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