Prefaced by a weary sigh - As usual, you got it totally wrong - I have never 
attempted nor have I ever implied or said that I attempted to rise in the ranks 
of the Movement.

I think you cannot think clearly - perhaps its a lack of fresh air - if I were 
a different sort of fellow, I would suggest you pull your head out of your 
vastu shaped behind and allow yourself to breathe some fresh air - the 
increased oxygen might do your thinking processes some good.

But then again maybe not. But I am not the sort of fellow who would suggest 
such a thing.

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 11:04 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor


> Well, I guess I won't be posting here any day 
> of the week now that Richard has told me I 
> don't make sense and I am not an advanced yogi...
Well, you could stick around and get ridiculed by 
the advanced yogis that post here. 

Apparently you've never dialoged with Vaj, Curtis, 
emptybill, or the tantric yogi, Bhairitu! 

You just wait till Turq or Judy or Robin start
remarking about what a dunce you've been all these 
years, attemting to rise up in the ranks of the 

> I dunno whut ta do now!
You'd fit in better on TM-Free blog dialoging
with Sudarsha, Mike, or Gina. LoL!

> Almost all of these rumors have been proved
> to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
> of us here who still support TM don't even
> read these old rumors anymore. You can check
> the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
> really interested in learning the truth. 
> If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
> TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
> is making a good discussion group look like 
> idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
> TM practice.
> You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
> and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!


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