REally glad you are back, Khazana. And looking forward to more of your 
adventures.  I ahve never been to India, so for me this is especially 
interesting and sweet.

--- In, khazana108 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Barry, and also Marek, and whoever has been reading this, I'll hit the road 
> tomorrow, going to East Germany, so I won't complete it tonight, still have 
> to back and prepare some things.  Don't expect too much though, and pretty 
> near the end. Thanks for giving me the thumbs up. :-)
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Very nice. An adventure, indeed. And you have a great way of describing
> > it. Thanks.
> > 
> > --- In, khazana108 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Very possibly. But to be honest I'd prefer to hear about
> > > > your recent Road Trip. It sounds as if it may have been
> > > > edifying.
> > >
> > > Yes.
> > >
> > > > If it's not classified :-),
> > >
> > > Some of it.
> > >
> > > > where did you go,
> > > > and did you have fun there?
> > >
> > > Yes, some fun, and great experiences (I would have reported some of it
> > anyway), but also challenging situations.
> > >
> > > So places: All of it South India. Final landing place: Bangalore. The
> > place I stay most of the time is about 125 kms from Bangalore. I am
> > there for doing work, some overseeing works at several construction
> > sites. Some working with special machines, a heavy jackhammer, much of 
> > the trip about 3-4 hours daily. There is a school, the school is being
> > expanded, the additional rooms being created are actually very much
> > needed, as the number of pupils doubled since last May. (I was there too
> > 3 month in the school holidays). I usually do the heavy work, as I am
> > fit (doing running regularly) and strong enough. Other westerners who
> > live there, either teach at the school, mostly women, or do supervising
> > and just other works and the different building sites. Somebody has to
> > direct all the works, control the Indian workers organize materials,
> > another person supervises the activities at another ground, has to be
> > there. take deliveries, pay workers etc.
> > >
> > > We are here in rural India, not in Bangalore or Pondichery, there are
> > almost constant power-cuts, since some day in June or July, when almost
> > all of India was without electricity the situation has worsened
> > considerable. On many days we will have power only about 3 hours, and
> > you never know when. This is a major problem for all building
> > activities.
> > >
> > > On the place itself, I have a bicycle to get around, I go for food
> > outside, I know all the places, simple Indian food, meals, very hot,
> > lots of chilly.
> > >
> > > The children are absolutely sweet, there is a smaller group of
> > children, living on the site, the majority is brought by a bus or by
> > their parents. The children who live on the site, I know all by name,
> > some of them for a few years now.
> > >
> > > This basically is my second home, This year I was there more often
> > than in Europe.
> > >
> > > Since I finished my works early, I took a week off, I took a direct
> > night bus to Pondy, 4,5 hrs starting at 3 am, just to have some
> > spiritual holiday, see and bath in the ocean. It's not a new place to
> > me, but it's more of a city, I stay in a very affordable guest house,
> > run and built by a German, I frequent the Ashram places (Aurobindo
> > Ashram), the Samadhi, and I want to go into the Matri Mandir, the
> > spiritual center of Auroville. I still don't know, if I will stay three
> > days or more, I am playing with the thought of going also to
> > Tiruvanamallai, which is on the way to Bangalore, where my flight will
> > go off.
> > >
> > > This time I want to go into the Matri Mandir, I was there last 13
> > years back, on my last trips to Pondy I found the administrative hurdle
> > always too much, you have to phone a certain number in Auroville between
> > 10 and 11 am, just one hour, to be able to maybe get a pass for the next
> > day. I missed this time on the date of my arrival, but somebody told me,
> > as I have been there before, they would give me admission if I just go
> > there on the next day. There is a bus leaving to Auroville everyday in
> > front of the Ashram at 8.15 am, but that is Indian time.  The bus brings
> > you to the visiting center in Auroville, where upon arrival immediately
> > a long queu is being formed. There is an A group and a B group, the A
> > group are people who have an appointment to actually meditate in the
> > Matri Mandir, the meditation takes about 40 minutes is in total silence,
> > and is in the center of the building, starting from 10 am. But I have no
> > reservation! No chance, the Indian lady says in a stern voice. I ask her
> > if I can talk with her, then say I have been inside before, she says its
> > full. But I could make an appointment, calling this number for the next
> > day. If you want, she says, you can meditate in the petal.  I lighten up
> > and immediately agree. The petals are small rooms adjoining the main
> > sanctuary of the Matri Mandir, the meditations are actually called
> > concentration. I now find out that there is actually even an email, to
> > make a reservation. So I walk the little path from the visitors center,
> > and get to the main entrance of the Matri Mandir. I tell my story again,
> > and get a pass for the petal, only two of the twelve petals are open for
> > the meditation, 3 times are fixed in the morning, I am already late. I
> > have to choose, do I want 'goodness' or ' courage'? I said, whatever, no
> > I have to choose. Courage, I respond immediately, and the Indian lady
> > smiles.
> > >
> > > I walk there, again a lady receives me, takes the ticket, I am alone
> > in the room. It is breathtaking. The whole room is in a sort of orange
> > crimson color, there is a foggy light coming from below, no direct
> > window, I hear a reverberating sound, like coming from a motor, maybe
> > the air-condition. I get white socks, and sit on one of the cushions. I
> > am immediately pulled inside. The reverberating sound mixes with the
> > sound of OM. I meditate on OM. Just Ooooohhhmmmm, a long continuing OM,
> > no repetitions, just that. It's the first time I really accept OM as a
> > mantra, nothing more just that. This is all that I need. I am in the
> > pure state of the mind. The Sahasrara chakra is being felt, the heart is
> > being felt, there is a state of total absorption.
> > >
> > > Later. when I told this story to a friend, she said, that when she
> > meditated in the Matri Mandir, she heard OM as from a thousand voices.
> > This revelation of OM is what I will from now on associate with the
> > Matri Mandir. I feel that OM is all we need for a mantra. It has always
> > been the universal mantra, the one talked about in the Upanishads. Sound
> > is Akasha, space.
> > >
> > > I must have been quite spaced out when I walked back, had my coffee
> > and pineapple cake at the visitors center, and I make sure I will have
> > an appointment for the next day, for the main sanctuary.
> > >
> > > When back in Pondy, I went for food, a small meals place in the main
> > road. I had rented a bicycle. At the restaurant I saw a small prayer
> > card, photo, with some text in Tamil, and three photos of some saints,
> > one I recognized: it was Vallalar, saint Ramalingam. He lived in the
> > nineteenth century, and could have been a contemporary of Ramakrishna.
> > He never became that famous, because he obviously didn't have a
> > Vivekananda. But he was a great saint, his movement negated the caste
> > system, cared for the poor, and obviously he ranted against tradition
> > and the Vedas.  At the end of his life, he locked himself into a room
> > for many days, maybe month, I am not sure anymore, and told people not
> > to open the door. Finally, after a long time the door was opened, and
> > nobody was there. He is purported to have dissolved into the grace
> > light, the Arut Perum Jyothi.
> >
> > >
> > > That room, is in a small village called Mettu Kuppam, near Vadalur. I
> > had asked one Indian at my guest house, and he told me which buses I
> > could take. Vadalur is about 60 kms from Pondy. That village, Mettu
> > Kuppam, is somewhere close, on the way to Vadalur.
> > >
> > > So, seeing the poster at the restaurant, I went with my cylce to the
> > bus station, took the bus to Cuddalore, and from there the bus to
> > Vadalur, telling the conductor, that I would like he stops in Mettu
> > Kuppam. You see, you have to do this communication with hand and feet,
> > showing him the names written, mentioning the name of the saint, using
> > typical indian pronounced English. It worked, the conductor shake me up,
> > and let me exit, from there I walked about 3 kms to Mettu Kuppam.
> > >
> > > Now, Barry, I am running short of time, and will finish this tonight.
> > > :-)
> >

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