--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:

> > Trying to recruit me, are you, Zebra Boy? Think I was born
> > yesterday? Think I fell off a turnip truck? Well, I'm not
> > so green as I am grassy-looking, so back off, buster.

Well authorfiend is certainly not green. Due to the hints of the Willytexter, I 
stumbled upon this dialoque between her and Barry (Shoki) and quite honestly, 
you you tell any difference between the tone now and then? This is 1995, but 
you could post this same post today on FFL with just changing the names a 
little bit - to suit the present environment, and nobody would really notice 
the difference.

> OK, well maybe we don't see it here but I do believe it is in there somewhere 
> - that nurturing, softer side.

You may well be the recipient of this softer, nurturing side at times Ann, but 
to be the recipient of her other side, may I suggest a little experiment? Just 
sign in with a different yahoo ID, and profess to be at one with Barry or the 
other crew. Profess to be critical of TM and/ or Robin, and see what happens. I 
promise you, this is the only way to find out.

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