--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Of course, org's are composed of people.  Does a 'few good people' mean that 
> you compromise your core value system to continue if you find it at odds?

Excellent question and one I was just going to elaborate on before I read this 
comment of yours Emily. It is fine and dandy to say one is sorry for others 
being given a hard time but in Share's case she says she had been "spared" more 
rigorous questioning on her other practices as they relate to being allowed in 
the Dome etc. My problem  with this is that by valuing one's privilege of being 
less aggressively challenged than others while at the same time having access 
to the Domes is very self-serving in a way that, for me, compromises many 
things. It essentially gives the green light to what I see are heavy handed and 
short-sighted tactics by the TM movement. I see it as endorsing police-state 
mentality by tacitly going along with how things are run on campus/within the 
Movement and by the powers that be. I think there is a limit to what one should 
allow to happen even though one still wants the privilege of engaging in 
activities which are governed by such powers. There comes a point when the 
compromises are not worth the price. But, again, I have addressed this issue 
before and perhaps it is easy for me to be so self-righteous in this instance 
since meditating and hopping around a foam-lined building does not rate in my 
top ten choice of activities and thus it would be easy for me to make a stand 
against "authority" in this case. On the other hand, knowing myself as I do, I 
rather think I would rebel. I have a rather perverse need to counteract 
immovable and unreasonable forces.
> ________________________________
>  From: Share Long <sharelong60@...>
> To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday
> Jason, it's my experience that in every organization there are at least a few 
> good people.  Michael, I had a similar interview to yours.  I am so sorry 
> you were given such a hard time.  I admire how you handled the situation.   
> ________________________________
>  From: Jason <jedi_spock@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 4:05 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday
> You know, all these cults and religions have his 'shit herd' 
> mentality.  I am thankfull that I never lived inside any 
> cult or org.  Being on the outside gave me a 'ringside view' 
> of a spectrum of these things.  I talk to a lot of people 
> who are in cults and get an idea of what is happening 
> inside.  You are better off alone.
> All these orgs and cults are inhabited by such bureaucratic, 
> pedantic, dicactic, dogmatic, zombie bots.
> ---  Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. I quit going
> > to the Dome when I was on staff due to a really serious allergy to
> > formaldehyde, which in those days at least was a major component in making 
> > foam. 
> > The longer I was in the Dome, the worse I felt. 
> > 
> > 
> > So I stopped
> > going. I did program by myself in my pod room and felt great both in and 
> > out of
> > program. As twice a day in the Dome was part of the staff program, I was 
> > called
> > in to the Personnel Director's office (Bill Sands) and he gave me a serious
> > talk and threatened me with dismissal if I didn't start toeing the line.
> > 
> > I told him about the allergy and he said it didn't matter,
> > rules were rules. I showed him the letter I had from my allergy doctor 
> > (Allen
> > Lieberman in Charleston SC) saying that I had to avoid formaldehyde 
> > exposure. Bill
> > said it still didn't matter. Rules were rules. No exceptions. 
> > 
> > So I returned to the Dome and after a couple days started
> > feeling like crap again. So I thought about things and decided to write a
> > letter to then TM Sidhi Administrator Greg Wilson and told him my story and
> > sent him a copy of the letter from my allergy doctor. 
> > A
> > nd a couple weeks later to my surprise he wrote me a letter
> > back giving me permission to do program in my room, tho he suggested that I
> > might consider serving MIU in some other capacity since Dome attendance was
> > part of staff program. So I quit going to the Dome again. 
> > 
> > A couple weeks went by and I was called into Bill Sands office
> > again, with my letters in my pocket. After he gave me hell and pretty much 
> > told
> > me my time at MIU was over, I told him I had permission from Greg Wilson and
> > showed him my letter, or rather a copy of it, I wisely had the original in 
> > my
> > room. 
> > 
> > Bill was completely discombobulated and hemmed and hawed and
> > puffed and blustered but had to back down, but he didn't like it. So I went
> > back to doing program in my room and had great experiences and was much more
> > effective in activity for about eight months until Bill found a way to get 
> > rid
> > of me.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: Buck <dhamiltony2k5@>
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:52 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday
> > 
> >   
> > This being Compassionate Posting Wednesday on FFL where ne'er a negative 
> > word is written, I am not going to go on at all about just how stoopid and 
> > undeserving it is that meditators who even live in Fairfield do not come to 
> > the group meditation.  No, I'll save that for tomorrow and then may be also 
> > consider the fallen away and outright meditation quitters out in the world 
> > too; all those who have fell off the meditation wagon and even walked away 
> > entirely.  I am excercising a lot of compassion for them all right now 
> > today, 
> > -Buck in the Dome 
> >

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