--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, khazana108 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > >  
> > >  
> > > SHARE: Remembering that Maharishi said, "What we have no control over we 
> > > take to be the will of God." 
> > > 
> > > The way I read (I had not heard this before) this statement of 
> > > Maharishi's, it proves that he was in a higher state of consciousness. 
> > > Maharishi, and only Maharishi, had this ability to say something--and if 
> > > you really took it in from where he was saying it, and felt its 
> > > resonances throughout the universe itself [and that is indeed what 
> > > happened if you were sensitive enough], your very being told you he was 
> > > representing reality itself.
> > > 
> > > There is the strict *content* of what Maharishi is saying here. But as 
> > > soon as I read it, *I felt the context of Maharishi and his 
> > > consciousness* and how perfectly, metaphysically, apt his comment was.
> > > 
> > > Not only that: IT STILL SEEMS TRUE TO ME. But Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he 
> > > was, during a stretch of time, infinitely tuned-in to the cosmos--at 
> > > least he could say something like this, and in one's being one sensed 
> > > that he was, as it were, making known the profoundest truth that could be 
> > > known. "What we have no control over we take to be the will of God". How 
> > > brilliant is this? It is said by someone who 'has more context' than 
> > > anyone whom I have ever known.
> > > 
> > > I don't know how many persons (you would have to be an initiator to 
> > > really feel this, I suppose) remember how Maharishi would make some truth 
> > > become a kind of perception in one's life. I think, even now, I can 
> > > benefit from this precept. It actually works for me. Even as I do not 
> > > believe in a Personal God.
> > > 
> > > But I believe in the empirical truth of Maharishi's words--*I discovered 
> > > their truth at a level I could not have any control over*. That was the 
> > > extraordinariness of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: he wasn't making this stuff 
> > > up. He was reading off reality.
> > > 
> > > One of the most perspicacious things I have ever heard--and only 
> > > Maharishi could have said it. As long as one guards oneself from the 
> > > mystical aura of his authority--and not allow this statement to be any 
> > > truer than it actually is--one can apply this truth in one's life. At 
> > > least when this situation comes up, this remembered perspective could be 
> > > useful.
> > > 
> > > No one but Maharishi could say this--because it is (or it seems to me it 
> > > is objectively true somehow. "What we have no control over we take to be 
> > > the will of God". Even, then, if it is not literally true, to adopt this 
> > > frame of reference will be beneficial to us. No one refuted--in his 
> > > presence--a single thing Maharishi uttered.
> > > 
> > > TM more or less made us helpless to resist the authority of Maharishi. 
> > > However if you knew Maharishi personally I feel sure you carry within 
> > > yourself something that no other being who has ever existed could put 
> > > there. And I find not just the meaning, but the subtext of this statement 
> > > of Maharishi's to be undeniably 'true'. What initiator's subjectivity 
> > > could take in all of what and who Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was--and 
> > > simultaneously and innocently experience what was flawed about him? For 
> > > me, that has always been the challenge: to do Maharishi total justice (to 
> > > what he was able to do to one's personal consciousness; to what he was 
> > > inside creation in his glory days) while at the same time realizing his 
> > > terrible weakness.
> > > 
> > > But here, he rules.
> > >
> > This is a beautiful post Robin, I wanted to tell you this. It strikes a 
> > note in me, certainly. Almost the same as when I was initiating last. I 
> > like this sentence: 'he wasn't making this stuff up. He was reading off 
> > reality.' But I like the whole post.
> Dear Khazana,
> I am a little thrown by your response, Khazana. It means a lot to me to feel 
> your accordance--at the level of experience--with what I have said here about 
> Maharishi. But I had more or less resigned myself to expecting resistance and 
> opposition--and at best ambivalence--in your reaction to anything I have 
> written. Especially knowing as I do that Barry considers you a loyal soldier 
> inside his alliance.--He acts as if this is true in any case. 
> But that does not matter: You have not just asserted your essential agreement 
> with what I have said in response to that remarkable statement of 
> Maharishi's: "What we have no control over we take to be the will of God", 
> you have wholly convinced me of your sincerity in doing so. This is what I 
> call objective subjective alignment. It always means something. We are not 
> agreeing 'politically' as it were; we are agreeing on a deeper level. 
> Excuse me going on like this: I am a little apprehensive lest I have read too 
> much into your appreciative comments here. The psychedelic paranoid residue 
> in me says: Is this some conspiracy to weaken Robin's hold on reality! ;-)
Nope. I am completely honest here. It is a sort of a confession. We can always 
get political later ;-)

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