Ah, Buck in Patanjali, you just gave my heart a whammy of a sweet jolt.  Yes, 
it must be wonderful to do program with Vernon.  I have his book and have read 
bits and pieces here and there.  He and Jerry Jarvis and David Orme-Johnson are 
3 of my heroes.

I love your simply and richly answer about Fairfield.  And I agree, though I 
didn't always.  It's taken me a long time to realize what an amazing community 
it is.  But now I'm so grateful that I've hung in here through thick and thin, 
blizzardy winters and sweltering summers, in the Dome, out of the Dome, etc.

Ok, time for breakfast, then off...to the Dome!  I might have to wear my long 
hooded down coat this morning.  Bet car windows are frosted.
Share in Bhagambrini

 From: Buck <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sharelong60" <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Hi Mr. Soss, this is an experiment in that I've yet to reply via archives 
> before.  Anyway, on a recent MahaSaraswati day the first person I saw was Dr. 
> Vernon Katz walking along the road on his way to Patanjali Dome.  I 
> considered that sighting a great blessing.  Thank you for posting this which 
> gave me a sweet laugh out loud. Share

Share, I always take a fond delight seeing Vernon come in to the Dome. He is 
like a last of the Mohicans.  Honorably venerable he's an old guy now and 
looked out for.  He was an old guy when I was a kid.  I've known him and read 
him since I was seventeen.  Now again it is special to come out after the Dome 
meditation and drive back home towards the farm listening to the local radio 
show reading of verses from his Bhagavad-Gita.  It's all a pretty Utopian 
context.  Someone asked of me at this conference I was at in New York State a 
couple weeks ago, "How do you live in Fairfield?".  I laughed.  "Simply and 
richly", I answered.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > SHARE: Remembering that Maharishi said, "What we have no control over
> > we take to be the will of God."
> > >
> > > The way I read (I had not heard this before) this statement of
> > Maharishi's, it proves that he was in a higher state of consciousness.
> > Maharishi, and only Maharishi, had this ability to say something--and if
> > you really took it in from where he was saying it, and felt its
> > resonances throughout the universe itself [and that is indeed what
> > happened if you were sensitive enough], your very being told you he was
> > representing reality itself.
> > >
> > > There is the strict *content* of what Maharishi is saying here. But as
> > soon as I read it, *I felt the context of Maharishi and his
> > consciousness* and how perfectly, metaphysically, apt his comment was.
> > >
> > > Not only that: IT STILL SEEMS TRUE TO ME. But Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
> > he was, during a stretch of time, infinitely tuned-in to the cosmos--at
> > least he could say something like this, and in one's being one sensed
> > that he was, as it were, making known the profoundest truth that could
> > be known. "What we have no control over we take to be the will of God".
> > How brilliant is this? It is said by someone who 'has more context' than
> > anyone whom I have ever known.
> > >
> > > I don't know how many persons (you would have to be an initiator to
> > really feel this, I suppose) remember how Maharishi would make some
> > truth become a kind of perception in one's life. I think, even now, I
> > can benefit from this precept. It actually works for me. Even as I do
> > not believe in a Personal God.
> > >
> > > But I believe in the empirical truth of Maharishi's words--*I
> > discovered their truth at a level I could not have any control over*.
> > That was the extraordinariness of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: he wasn't
> > making this stuff up. He was reading off reality.
> > >
> > > One of the most perspicacious things I have ever heard--and only
> > Maharishi could have said it. As long as one guards oneself from the
> > mystical aura of his authority--and not allow this statement to be any
> > truer than it actually is--one can apply this truth in one's life. At
> > least when this situation comes up, this remembered perspective could be
> > useful.
> > >
> > > No one but Maharishi could say this--because it is (or it seems to me
> > it is objectively true somehow. "What we have no control over we take to
> > be the will of God". Even, then, if it is not literally true, to adopt
> > this frame of reference will be beneficial to us. No one refuted--in his
> > presence--a single thing Maharishi uttered.
> > 
> > 
> > Vernon was doing that ALL the time ! :-
> > Conversations with Maharishi  By Dr. Vernon Katz Hardcover, 393 pages
> > Published in 2011
> > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Speaks about Full Development of Human
> > Consciousness
> > The majestic panoramas of Lake Tahoe in California and the Kashmir
> > Valley in the Himalayas provided the ideal settings for the
> > conversations in this book. It was there in 1968 and 1969 that Maharishi
> > began his as-yet-unpublished commentary on the Brahma Sutra, a key text
> > of the timeless wisdom of Vedanta. The penetrating questions asked by
> > Dr. Katz inspired deep insights from Maharishi on the nature and
> > development of higher states of consciousness. Through Maharishi's
> > words, the ultimate reality of life becomes meaningful and practical for
> > people living today: anyone can awaken the wholeness of consciousness
> > within. These conversations are suffused with bliss and serve as a
> > tribute to Maharishi's legacy of knowledge for full development of the
> > human heart and mind.
> > Maharishi: People will enjoy this book. They will enjoy your insight.
> > VK: I haven't any insight. It's your wisdom they will enjoy, and they
> > will enjoy it all the more when set against my ignorance.
> > Maharishi: See what insight you have!
> > "Dr. Vernon Katz brought such huge delight to Maharishi. His sweet and
> > lovable nature was one thing-but his powerful and highly discriminating
> > intellect and his repeated enquiries to Maharishi inspired Maharishi so
> > much. Maharishi in conversation with Vernon brought out wave upon wave
> > of the highest knowledge to satisfy Vernon's thirst to understand fully
> > the Brahm Vidya that Maharishi was expounding to the world. And
> > Maharishi loved him for it. Vernon's role has been a singular one in the
> > history of Maharishi's unfoldment of Total Knowledge from the Vedic
> > tradition. We are all grateful to him for what he has done for all of
> > us, and for sharing his fascinating conversations with Maharishi in this
> > book." - Dr. Bevan Morris, Prime Minister Global Country of World Peace,
> > President Maharishi University of Management
> > "In this long-awaited book, we join Dr. Vernon Katz as he sits by
> > Maharishi's side, and we listen in on these exhilarating conversations
> > about the highest potential of human life. We are on the scene as
> > Maharishi brings to light the precious knowledge of enlightenment in its
> > original purity and completeness. This book presents a clear exposition
> > of this timeless wisdom along with the delight of being with Maharishi
> > personally, in itself a treasure." - Dr. Craig Pearson, author, The
> > Complete Book of Yogic Flying and The Supreme Awakening (in press)
> > About the Author
> > Vernon Katz is a trustee and a visiting professor at Maharishi
> > University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, U.S.A. He earned a first
> > class honours degree and a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford
> > University. His thesis on Indian philosophy was supervised by Dr.
> > Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the eminent philosopher who became India's
> > second president.
> > Vernon's work with Maharishi on the Vedic literature began in 1962, when
> > Maharishi invited him to assist with translation of the Bhagavad- Gita.
> > Maharishi's insights into Vedic knowledge and its practical application
> > for human life will be upheld and will benefit life for millennia to
> > come. The conversations in this book give the reader a glimpse into a
> > precious phase in the emergence of Maharishi's knowledge.
> > Price: $39.00
> > 
> > Item# F06
> >


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