> > No, in actuality your comment says a lot about 
> > your ignorance of the Inquisition and how it 
> > worked...
> >
Share Long:
> You are not surprised probably because you have 
> a prejudice about me...
What you fail to understand is that Barry IS the 
equivalent of the FFL 'Inquisition". He's an expert 
in brainwashing techniques. Don't you get it? 

'Down the Rabbit Hole' - don't feed it, Share. 

> According to another Inquisition expert, between 1 
> and 10 million people were killed during that time.
> 10,000 girls, many under the age of 10, were killed 
> in Germany alone.  See 2nd paragraph of url 
> provided.
> http://www.excatholicsforchrist.com/articles.php?PageURL=Inquisition.htm

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