Well ok, let's look at it - do you hold the sidhas and governors responsible 
for not being dedicated enough, or do you want to look at the more esoteric 
side of things? 

What I mean is that in my opinion, the base energy with which someone creates 
anything will eventually flow to the farthest reaches of the creation. I think 
this is true whether the creation is a book, a piece of music, a building or a 

It is in my mind to say that the basic energy with which Maharishi created the 
Movement has always shown itself in the behavior and actions of the Movement 
and in its many failures. I mean, come on, 60 years and no one levitates? No 
world peace? No really really really demonstrable evidence of the Maharishi 
Effect? And the very fact that basic goals are never achieved, such as having 
consistent high numbers in the Domes and elsewhere? It is simply the real 
energy with which Maharishi created or at least with which he began to run the 
Movement which was "I've got a good technique and the knowledge behind it, 
lemme use it to get money, praise and pussy."

I know many of you will argue that isn't true but I think that's the deal. 

 From: Buck <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 10:33 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@...> wrote:
> We had 2,000 in the domes morning and evening during April 1986. An average 
> of 2,100 in the mornings and 2,300 in the evenings. We dubbed it "miracle 
> month." The result? The US bombed Libya, an act of international terrorism 
> that killed over 60 people (April 15, 1986). 

Yes, "Unfathomable is the course of action.."  But manifestly that was a step 
in the relative on the way to finding that nut Gaddafi.

We've had 29,000 governors out there in this hemisphere and a lot more citizen 
sidhas and the TM.org now can't git better than a few hundred to come meditate. 
 Back when the Invincible America course was begun around the time frame of the 
Lebanon civil war of the summer of 2006 at that time we got around 2,000 who 
rallied out of the old faded woodwork to come out to meditate doing that flying 
sutra and they were mostly us white-bread northern people meditators.  That was 
prior to the pundit boys who were hired subsequently to supplement our truly 
anemic meditation numbers.  This going on while at the same time elements are 
working at throwing old meditators out.  Our long collective history of the 
meditator numbers here is in the long history of the ongoing administrative 
purgings using their guidelines.  The guidelines and the people who advocate 
them obviusly are not facilitating the Domes.  Our numbers are just fruitless 
without reconciling this.  The
 out-of-pocket cost borne by a few rich donors has been inverting the curve of 
attendance through the out-sourcing infusion of Indian boys propping up and 
hiding our miserable numbers.  Everyone should be concerned why the meditaing 
numbers are so bad. 
-Buck in the Dome

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@> wrote:
> > >
> > > <snip> Only 2000 Meditators in Fairfield will bring security to America 
> > > and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.
> > > 
> > > It blows my mind that you actually believe this.  This will never 
> > > happen.  If the TMO consolidated all their assets/funds/influence in 
> > > manifesting this one goal and made this the single most important 
> > > priority of the organization and all it's followers and for TM-doers, I 
> > > cannot believe they couldn't make it happen.  If they did, and the goal 
> > > was not achieved, what then?  Do the numbers have to be documented in 
> > > Fairfield only?  It seems you believe that collective meditation at 
> > > specified times wherever one is also will have impact (i.e. the recent 
> > > call to meditate wherever one is at certain times to influence the 
> > > election).  Why 2,000 in Fairfield?  What if it were 2,000 in another 
> > > location?  What if it were 1,999?  How long would the meditation have 
> > > to go on before the goal was realized?  Is TM the only meditation 
> > > technique that could collectively be used to accomplish this goal?
> > > 
> > 
> > Forgive Buck's hyperbole in the use of the word "only"...it's a bit off 
> > putting. People can pray or stand on their heads for world peace as far as 
> > I'm concerned. Intention is everything. Suffice to say, that people 
> > meditating in the domes is a powerful and effective way to create coherence 
> > in collective consciousness. So it follows that the greater the number of 
> > people meditating the greater the influence in creating world peace or 
> > whirled peas...whatever. 
> > 
> > > ________________________________
> > >  From: Buck <dhamiltony2k5@>
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 11:14 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > The immediate urgent priority for national and world peace is to join the 
> > > Invincible America Assembly at MUM. Only 2000 Meditators in Fairfield 
> > > will bring security to America and defuse the precarious escalation of 
> > > conflict in the world.
> > > 
> > > Yours in Peace and Reconciliation,
> > > -Buck
> > >
> >


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