> > > You are not surprised probably because you have 
> > > a prejudice about me...
> > >
> > What you fail to understand is that Barry IS the 
> > equivalent of the FFL 'Inquisition". He's an expert 
> > in brainwashing techniques. Don't you get it? 
> > 
> > 'Down the Rabbit Hole' - don't feed it, Share. 
> >
Share Long:
> ...I usually find BW's negativity easier to handle 
> than that of some other posters who I find less 
> straight forward and more obfuscating.
It's easier to handle because his ideas are repeated
so many times here that Barry himself even believes 
his own claims to knowledge. LoL!

It's not so much as the Emperor wears no clothes, it's 
that there never was an Emperor in the first place. 

Barry claimed to have read over 200 books on the 
Cathars, but not a single book on the Gnostics.

Go figure.

Everyone knows that the Cathars are derived from the
Buggers, the Buggers from the Paulicans, and the 
Paulicans from the Gnostics, and the Gnostics from 
the Aryan Zorastrians.

"An idée fixe is a preoccupation of mind held so 
firmly as to resist any attempt to modify it, a 
fixation. As an everyday term, idée fixe may indicate 
a mindset akin to prejudice or stereotyping..."

'idée fixe'
> > > No, in actuality your comment says a lot about 
> > > your ignorance of the Inquisition and how it 
> > > worked...
> > >
> Share Long:
> > According to another Inquisition expert, between 1 
> > and 10 million people were killed during that time.
> > 10,000 girls, many under the age of 10, were killed 
> > in Germany alone.  See 2nd paragraph of url 
> > provided.
> > 
> > 
> > http://www.excatholicsforchrist.com/articles.php?PageURL=Inquisition.htm
> > 
> ,
> <snip>

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