Dear Em - this too fucking hilarious. Thank you :-). Love, Ravi.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Emily Reyn <> wrote:

> **
> Share - good one.  Yes, you deserve to be at the top of the list.  "The
> guy is a cupcake compared to me....." Excellent.  Did I say you were
> "enabling" Barry?  I don't remember saying that - in fact I don't think I
> did, but perhaps I was stuck in hysteria and paranoia and don't recall. It
> could be you were intuitively reading a subtext in one of my posts that
> didn't exist, or not - maybe I was on one of my rants.  Please, refresh my
> memory on this; I am often wrong.
> Now Share, I know Robin is bent on demonstrating honesty and humility here
> these days, but you and I know better.  I have a grand plan to take the man
> down.  I am out for blood and am the dark horse here, I play both sides of
> the fence, I have no allegiance.  He deserves it  because (you fill in the
> blanks.) Curtis, damn him, shot a bullet through my lavender aura when he
> called me calculating - he has no idea though what he's unleashed and
> neither does anyone else here.  I am all about strategy, my sweet, all
> about the long-term goal.  Between you and me, I intend to be the cult
> leader of FFL and I will need a deputy.  Judy and Ravi are not to be
> trusted.  Neither is Barry, as I see you now understand.  Raunchy is simply
> too enlightened and doesn't understand what it means to go "all in."  There
> is only one thing that might dissuade me from my mission, other than my
> real life, and that would be Ann.  It's all up to Ann.  Hopefully, she will
> contact me offline and we can have a private one-on-one about the real need
> to handle this enigma named Robin.  Love, Em.
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Share Long <>
> *To:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Monday, November 12, 2012 4:55 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The day hysteria, paranoia, mayhem reigned
> supreme on FFL
> dear Ravi, Thank you SO MUCH for FINALLY putting me at the top of the
> list.  You Robinites are always calling Barry the Number One Bad Person and
> I'm actually FED UP with that.  The guy is a cupcake compared to me!  A
> cupcake I say!  FWIW, I still love you.  Tee hee.
> As for your topic in the Subject line above, I say:  so just another day
> on FFL (-:
> BTW, I have not read your EIGHT posts of this morning yet.  Hope I haven't
> missed something important.  If I did, apologizing in advance.  And feeling
> guilty because I think I've been neglecting my apologizing duties lately.
> What with exposing wts, etc.
> Next topic:  who is this Siri hussy and why the heck are you trysting with
> her?!  Look, I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you, but I'm
> pretty sure I just saw her at the FF in spot, Revs.  With You Know Who.  No
> silly, not THAT You Know Who.  That OTHER You Know Who.
> Anyway, keep up the good work there in the Outer Circle with bull, er ox
> cart.  You guys are doing an excellent job of maintaining the perimeter for
> The Inner Ones and JJ NOE the Number One Enabler.
> And so sorry, but I have to admit that I agree with Kaladevi about you and
> Robin.  Now tell me, how does that make you FEEL?
> Happy Diwali
> Dr. Share, as proclaimed by Robin, aka Auntie Share aka Pompous, Reality
> Avoiding Dormouse as proclaimed by JJ NOE.  And you better not dare spell
> that DOORmouse.  Or else!  We might have to expel you from the group.
> Right Curtis?
> PS  IMHO you win the Irony of the Year Award with saying something about
> my embarrassing myself.  Nephew, I always bow to you in that department.
> PS to Emily about your saying that I was enabling Barry, ha ha ha ha ha ha
> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  And tee hee
> too.
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Ravi Chivukula <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:47 PM
> *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The day hysteria, paranoia, mayhem reigned
> supreme on FFL
> Let's celebrate Nov 11th every year as the day of hysteria, paranoia and
> mayhem on FFL.
> Special thanks to the following people for making this day a huge, grand
> success !!!
> Share Long
> Barry Wright
> Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I had loads of fun !!!

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