--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> dear Ravi, Thank you SO MUCH for FINALLY putting me at the top of the list.  
> You Robinites are always calling Barry the Number One Bad Person and I'm 
> actually FED UP with that.  The guy is a cupcake compared to me!  A cupcake I 
> say!  FWIW, I still love you.  Tee hee.
> As for your topic in the Subject line above, I say:  so just another day on 
> FFL (-:
> BTW, I have not read your EIGHT posts of this morning yet.  Hope I haven't 
> missed
>  something important.  If I did, apologizing in advance.  And feeling guilty 
> because I think I've been neglecting my apologizing duties lately.  What with 
> exposing wts, etc.
> Next topic:  who is this Siri hussy and why the heck are you trysting with 
> her?!  Look, I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you, but I'm pretty 
> sure I just saw her at the FF in spot, Revs.  With You Know Who.  No silly, 
> not THAT You Know Who. That OTHER You Know Who.
> Anyway, keep up the good work there in the Outer Circle with bull, er ox 
> cart.  You guys are doing an excellent job of maintaining the perimeter for 
> The Inner Ones and JJ NOE the Number One Enabler.

Share, I'll asked the same question that Emily asked that you still haven't 
answered: "ENABLING WHAT?" Exactly what is Judy enabling? Judy defends Robin 
(and rightly, so) from unceasing attacks on his character and integrity from 
those who have difficulty dealing with an occasional stiff dose of honesty that 
necessitates taking a hard look at themselves.  

Codependents enable addicts. Friends stick up for each other.  Robin earned 
Judy's friendship, as he has others, and mine for being the caring, sensitive, 
intelligent and courageously honest person that he is.  It's not a mystery why 
people like Robin. On FFLife, as in real life, honesty earns respect and 
dishonesty earns distain and mockery. 

The beauty of FFLife, where you live and die by your words on the record, 
bullshitters don't get to dodge a bullet. If you make yourself a target, 
someone will always take the shot. It's nothing personal, it's just that Judy 
and Robin happen to have very good aim.

> And so sorry, but I have to admit that I agree with Kaladevi about you and 
> Robin.  Now tell me, how does that make you FEEL?

Just to be clear Share, you're referring kaladevi's comment: "Rather than 
seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it should be seen as a 
case of demonic possession...I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar 

Obviously, your intention was to make Ravi feel shitty for calling out your 
hysteria, paranoia and mayhem surrounding discussion about the CULT book. I 
doubt you made him feel shitty, but perhaps disappointed in your friendship.

> Happy Diwali

Gratuitous happy talk after a slap in the face only adds insult to injury. Not 

> Dr. Share, as proclaimed by Robin, aka Auntie Share aka Pompous, Reality 
> Avoiding Dormouse as proclaimed by JJ NOE.  And you better not dare spell 
> that DOORmouse.  Or else!  We might have to expel you from the group.  Right 
> Curtis?
> PS  IMHO you win the Irony of the Year Award with saying something about my 
> embarrassing myself.  Nephew, I always bow to you in that department.
> PS to Emily about your saying that I was enabling Barry, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  And tee hee too.  
> ________________________________
>  From: Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:47 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] The day hysteria, paranoia, mayhem reigned supreme 
> on FFL  
> Let's celebrate Nov 11th every year as the day of hysteria, paranoia and 
> mayhem on FFL.
> Special thanks to the following people for making this day a huge, grand 
> success !!!
> Share Long
> Barry Wright
> Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I had loads of fun !!!

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