Share - good one.  Yes, you deserve to be at the top of the list.  "The guy is 
a cupcake compared to me....." Excellent.  Did I say you were "enabling" Barry? 
 I don't remember saying that - in fact I don't think I did, but perhaps I was 
stuck in hysteria and paranoia and don't recall. It could be you were 
intuitively reading a subtext in one of my posts that didn't exist, or not - 
maybe I was on one of my rants.  Please, refresh my memory on this; I am often 

Now Share, I know Robin is bent on demonstrating honesty and humility here 
these days, but you and I know better.  I have a grand plan to take the man 
down.  I am out for blood and am the dark horse here, I play both sides of the 
fence, I have no allegiance.  He deserves it  because (you fill in the blanks.) 
Curtis, damn him, shot a bullet through my lavender aura when he called me 
calculating - he has no idea though what he's unleashed and neither does anyone 
else here.  I am all about strategy, my sweet, all about the long-term goal.  
Between you and me, I intend to be the cult leader of FFL and I will need a 
deputy.  Judy and Ravi are not to be trusted.  Neither is Barry, as I see you 
now understand.  Raunchy is simply too enlightened and doesn't understand what 
it means to go "all in."  There is only one thing that might dissuade me from 
my mission, other than my real life, and that would be Ann.  It's all up to 
Ann.  Hopefully, she will
 contact me offline and we can have a private one-on-one about the real need to 
handle this enigma named Robin.  Love, Em.

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The day hysteria, paranoia, mayhem reigned supreme 
on FFL

dear Ravi, Thank you SO MUCH for FINALLY putting me at the top of the list.  
You Robinites are always calling Barry the Number One Bad Person and I'm 
actually FED UP with that.  The guy is a cupcake compared to me!  A cupcake I 
say!  FWIW, I still love you.  Tee hee.

As for your
 topic in the Subject line above, I say:  so just another day on FFL (-:
BTW, I have not read your EIGHT posts of this morning yet.  Hope I haven't 
 something important.  If I did, apologizing in advance.  And feeling guilty 
because I think I've been neglecting my apologizing duties lately.  What with 
exposing wts, etc.

Next topic:  who is this Siri hussy and why the heck are you trysting with 
her?!  Look, I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you, but I'm pretty 
sure I just saw her at the FF in spot, Revs.  With You Know Who.  No silly, not 
THAT You Know Who.  That OTHER You Know Who.

Anyway, keep up the good work there in the Outer Circle with bull, er ox cart.  
You guys are doing an excellent job of maintaining the perimeter for The Inner 
Ones and JJ NOE the Number One Enabler.

And so sorry, but I have to admit that I agree with Kaladevi about you and 
Robin.  Now tell me, how does that make you FEEL?
Happy Diwali
Dr. Share, as proclaimed by Robin, aka Auntie Share aka Pompous, Reality 
Avoiding Dormouse as proclaimed by JJ NOE.  And you better not dare spell that 
DOORmouse.  Or else!  We might have to expel you from the group.  Right Curtis?

PS  IMHO you win the Irony of the Year Award with saying something about my 
embarrassing myself.  Nephew, I always bow to you in that department.

PS to Emily about your saying that I was enabling Barry, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  And tee hee too.  

 From: Ravi Chivukula <>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The day hysteria, paranoia, mayhem reigned supreme on 

Let's celebrate Nov 11th every year as the day of hysteria, paranoia and mayhem 
on FFL.

Special thanks to the following people for making this day a huge, grand 
success !!!

Share Long
Barry Wright

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I had loads of fun !!!


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