<snip> And yes Emily you did accuse me of enabling Barry.  No big deal.  It's 
such a preposterous idea.  

Share, I went back and did a search as I still didn't understand that I had 
accused you of this.  Yes, I did use this line in the context of the post 
quoted below - except that I put quotes around "enabling."  This is a key 
distinction from using the word without quotes.  I was assuming a very general 
interpretation of the word "enabling" - hence my putting quotes around it.  
Barry has exhibited a lot of anger against women here, and your interactions 
with him could be *perceived* as "enabling" or "supporting, egging on, 
encouraging, etc."  and could set you up for being attacked by him if you then 
challenge him - it's already occurred - where he called you an "idiot."  

My main point, although poorly communicated was that when you throw out loaded 
terms and don't explain the context in which you are defining them, they are 
equally as applicable to you.  I apologize for the misunderstanding.  

P.S.  When I said "ELECTION" week below, I mean the week leading up to the 

"Share!  What do you think the wts post was!  Talk about creating confusion.  
You have steadfastly pursued an agenda of attributing extreme motives to 
others' yourself!  "Enabling" is another one of those loaded words you like to 
use.  You are "enabling" Barry - this is potentially very dangerous for you 
(not for him).  And as usual, you invoke the name of another to support your 
reality.  Jason?  Why is what he says the truth?  It was ELECTION/STORM WEEK 
the week Judy was gone. The whole country was focusing elsewhere, not just 

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