--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <lurkernomore20002000@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> snip
>   But for heaven's sake (and maybe for our sake too) you need to get a
> bit of a grip. The train is headed for Chicago but somehow you have
> ended up riding a donkey backwards towards Topeka.
> Hey Ann,
> This may seem a little strange. Naturally I've read your posts for many
> months now, and I've never felt a need to apply the Robin template to
> anyone, (checking to see how one's posts jibe with reality) except with
> you.  And I have to say that  I always feel you are a little off.

Steve *feels* Ann is a little off. He wants to apply Robin's reality template 
to her but astonishingly, he hasn't a clue how to apply Robin's reality 
template to *himself*. Steve's bright idea to apply Robin's Reality Template to 
Ann ranks in the top ten for "Most Ridiculous Shit Steve Has Ever Said."   

Steve can't put his finger on why Ann's posts mostly miss the target. But 
that's not surprising. He has yet to put his finger on why *he* has become a 
target for ridicule. He could give concrete examples of Ann missing the mark 
but he won't because there are no such examples and as usual he's too fucking 
lazy to search the archives. He says whatever irresponsible shit he *feels* as 
if it's true without offering a shred of proof and then remains, stubbornly, 
stupidly clueless as to why anyone would ask him to be accountable for the shit 
he flings around FFLife. 


> It's hard for me to put my finger on it, but I think somehow you always
> (or mostly) miss the mark.
> Sort of like the arrow flies but it glances off the hay, or if it hits
> the target, (in one of the outer rings) it just sort of drops down.  You
> know, it just pierces the covering, and nothing else.
> I guess I could give a couple concrete examples.

> You, almost more than any one here, was deeply offended by awakened_yedi
> a couple weeks back.
> He couldn't be booted off fast enough for you.
> And yet, at the same time, we were getting very similiar posts by Ravi,
> and yet you were praising Ravi for his insightfulness and loyalty.
> I admit, that puzzled me.
> I'll just leave it that.

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