Dear Robin, you must stop taking so many things at face value - it will be your 
downfall here. You will overreact, you will trigger without knowing it, your 
panties will always be in a twist, which will be extremely uncomfortable for 
you, as a man. (Doesn't bother me in the slightest by the way.)  You will feel 
persecuted.  You will spend way too much time defending your ego, no not your 
ego, your first person ontology.

*I* am coming to terms with my creepiness; I think it likely that Barry and 
Curtis agree with you.  It has been a hard pill to swallow - like one of those 
vitamin horse pills that one swallows in the morning before jumping in the car 
to battle traffic to work and then, a few miles down the road, one realizes 
that while it is supposed to be good for you, it is making you feel so nauseas 
that you have to pull over and puke it up, along with the coffee, while wearing 
a nice corporate suit - and then vomit goes all over the silk scarf and stinks 
up the car and you walk into the morning meeting smelling like too much perfume 
and a cherry lozenge.  

For you Robin, there is a lovely poem in a magazine I get this month called 
"Walk with Grand-Dog and Wallace Stevens."  I'm so creepy that I am dedicating 
it to you, but I won't type it out for you because I am lazy.  

Here is the link to the Table of Contents - you will have to click on it to see 
who wrote it (I am a creepy gal, aren't I): 

> From: Robin Carlsen <>
>Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 8:06 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is worse,,,"really stupid" or "reeely 
>Why do you have to be so creepy, Emily? 
>--- In, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
>> Share, *I* wrote the word imbecile.  *I* attributed it to me.  *I was 
>> making fun of myself.*  I do that a lot.  *You* never used the word to 
>> describe me.  *No one* has ever called me an imbecile here except perhaps 
>> Barry, I forget.  Please *STOP* assuming that I am out to get you and hold 
>> some animosity towards you.   *I* have *let go*, which frees me up to have 
>> fun with you again.  I appreciate the time you took on the question I asked 
>> and laughinggull's response. *I* am not a creepy person, I assure you.  *I* 
>> am using that word because you did say that about me and I am playing with 
>> it now.  *You* said it and it is fair game and *I* am taking the sting out 
>> of it by using it.  You may apologize to me if you want to, because it 
>> wasn't very nice, but *I* forgive you because I realize you don't understand 
>> my sense of humor.  I will spend one more post today on penguins.  My aunt 
>> is a wildlife photographer and I
 have a couple of wonderful shots
>>  of penguins that you will appreciate if I can get them uploaded to a link. 
>> >________________________________
>> > From: Share Long <sharelong60@...>
>> >To: "" <> 
>> >Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 5:08 AM
>> >Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is worse,,,"really stupid" or 
>> >"reeely stooopid"
>> > 
>> >
>> >  
>> >dear FFL, just to set the record straight:  I don't even THINK the word 
>> >imbecile much less express it.  Emily recently asked a question about TM 
>> >and I followed up with a similar question to Steve.  Not sure how my 
>> >asking a question of Steve is saying anything at all about Emily.  And 
>> >it's true that I ONCE called Emily's sense of humor creepy.  She is the 
>> >person who is multiplying it.  
>> >
>> >In this post of hers it is the indirectly attributing to me something I did 
>> >not say or even think, that is what I'd call creepy here.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >BTW how I remember this sequence:  lines on stone, lines on sand, lines on 
>> >water, lines on air.  
>> >
>> >
>> >________________________________
>> > From: Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...>
>> >To: "" <> 
>> >Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:45 PM
>> >Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is worse,,,"really stupid" or 
>> >"reeely stooopid"
>> > 
>> >
>> >  
>> >Steve:  I was being sincere - you really have been laying down some funny 
>> >stuff, IMO.   You are never the butt of my joke.  I almost always laugh 
>> >in the spirit of the moment and never with mean intention - and I'm quite 
>> >serious about that.  I laugh at the human condition and our attempts to 
>> >communicate with each other and I do it so that I don't grieve too hard 
>> >when things are tough.  I should really get a volunteer position as I've 
>> >already filled out the application - I just have to make the call.  
>> >
>> >
>> >I don't always explain the way I interpret FFL and I probably won't.  I 
>> >run it through a lot of different filters some days.  Which means that I 
>> >"misinterpret" at times on purpose for a different effect - easy to do with 
>> >words on paper. And it is well known now, thanks to Share, that I have a 
>> >"creepy" sense of humor.  And I am a TM imbecile.  
>> >
>> >
>> >And I wasn't feeling particularly up today, if truth be told, so I really 
>> >appreciated your posts.  And, I love a good beer.  Had to give it up when 
>> >I was diagnosed as gluten intolerant, but I'm going to cheat after what 
>> >Emptybill posted today.   Emily
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>________________________________
>> >> From: seventhray27 <steve.sundur@...>
>> >>To: 
>> >>Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 6:04 PM
>> >>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is worse,,,"really stupid" or "reeely 
>> >>stooopid"
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >>  
>> >>whether Emily was being sincere or making fun of me, I really don't 
>> >>care.  If I can be the butt of her joke, so be it.
>> >>(and yes, I need to check out the link)
>> >>
>> >>--- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> If you ever figure out why Emily is laughing, Steve, you'll be where Ted 
>> >>> wrote about sex with Sylvia.
>> >>> 
>> >>> --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
>> >>> >
>> >>> > Ahh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha 
>> >>> > ah....ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha. Steve, I don't know what is up for 
>> >>> > you, but you are really making me laugh these days.  Ahhhh ha ha ha 
>> >>> > ha ha ha ha ha.......
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > >________________________________
>> >>> > > From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@
>> >>> > >To: 
>> >>> > >Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 2:18 PM
>> >>> > >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Which is worse,,,"really stupid" or 
>> >>> > >"reeely stooopid"
>> >>> > > 
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >  
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >--- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> 
>> >>> > >wrote:
>> >>> > >>
>> >>> > >> 
>> >>> > >> 
>> >>> > >> --- In, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@ 
>> >>> > >> wrote:
>> >>> > >> >
>> >>> > >> You always read me perfectly, Steve, and I am loving it. And you 
>> >>> > >> have been more merciful than most here--I don't like people 
>> >>> > >> criticizing me--but you, you say something nice when you do this 
>> >>> > >> (put me in a better place). And believe me, Steve: this makes all 
>> >>> > >> the difference.
>> >>> > >> 
>> >>> > >> I am trying to 'get' your philosophy; I think you are trying to 
>> >>> > >> teach it to me indirectly--through anecdotes like the ones in this 
>> >>> > >> post. I think this an efficacious way to get your wisdom to go 
>> >>> > >> right into me, Steve.
>> >>> > >> 
>> >>> > >> I will let you know (through my deeds) the progress I am
>>  making. Don't ever give up on me. I need your help--AND your love.
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > > Make a daily journal.  We'll call it "Robin's Daily Journal". 
>> >>> > > Make a list of the things you hope to accomplish in a given day, 
>> >>> > >and maybe some personality traits to which you want to pay a little 
>> >>> > >closer attention.  And then at the end of the day, you can write 
>> >>> > >about how you feel you did.  
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >For example, "Was I too aggressive applying my First Person 
>> >>> > >Ontology test to those I interacted with?"  Or, "Was my 
>> >>> > >irony appropriate, or insincere".  These might be some areas to 
>> >>> > >consider.  I really don't know.  I am just throwing them out 
>> >>> > >for suggestions.  
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >We're here for you Robin. We can get through this.
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >> We are good now, I think,
>>  Steve.
>> >>> > >> 
>> >>> > >> Robin 
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > > 
>> >>> > >
>> >>> > >
>> >>> >
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >

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