--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote: In his
> > Commentary on the Gita Maharishi explains, "With the constant practice
> > of meditation, this infusion continues to grow and when it is full-grown
> > cosmic consciousness will have been attained.   Once this state is
> > attained, to fall from it is impossible."  pg  173  from The
> > Science of Being and Art of Living, with my underliningfor emphasis:
> > When this self-consciousness is forever maintained, even when the mind
> > emerges from the Transcendent and engages in the field of activity, then
> > self-consciousness attains the status of cosmic consciousness. 
> > Self-consciousness is then established eternally in the nature of the
> > mind.  pg 249
> > Unless, of course, you make a conscious and concerted Herculean effort,
> > as Robin evidently did, to overthrow the overwhelming hold of
> > enlightenment on yourself. It appears not everyone wants to stay under
> > the influence or to be held so firmly by the force of this power over
> > them. I daresay Robin would still be in UC unless he had taken the steps
> > he did to counteract that state. You are implying, Share, that his UC
> > was not real because he is no longer in that state of consciousness. You
> > see, what you write here is transparent.
> Maybe transparent to you Ann (and now to Judy who's chimed in with her 
> support) but that's just the way you roll or whatever you seem to be looking 
> for. Whatever is *transparent* to you, what the hell difference does it make? 
> It seems that a few of you are making a concerted effort to beat on those 
> with differing viewpoints until they just give up and no longer post here or 
> at least post less frequently. Is that what you're trying to do Ann?
> Anyway, what you write above *seems* transparent to me but, then again, maybe 
> that's just the way I roll. Or maybe what you write touches my heart, but not 
> in a good way, and forces me to respond. BTW, love the boldface on your 
> entire response...almost as good as underline.

A High-Toned Old Christian Woman
Poetry is the supreme fiction, madame.
Take the moral law and make a nave of it
And from the nave build haunted heaven. Thus,
The conscience is converted into palms,
Like windy citherns hankering for hymns.
We agree in principle. That's clear. But take
The opposing law and make a peristyle,
And from the peristyle project a masque
Beyond the planets. Thus, our bawdiness,
Unpurged by epitaph, indulged at last,
Is equally converted into palms,
Squiggling like saxophones. And palm for palm,
Madame, we are where we began. Allow,
Therefore, that in the planetary scene
Your disaffected flagellants, well-stuffed,
Smacking their muzzy bellies in parade,
Proud of such novelties of the sublime,
Such tink and tank and tunk-a-tunk-tunk,
May, merely may, madame, whip from themselves
A jovial hullabaloo among the spheres.
This will make widows wince. But fictive things
Wink as they will. Wink most when widows wince. 

Wallace Stevens

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